Just wondering. If you want, we can agree on a time and date to play together. It must be during the weekend -Friday Saturday or Sunday-
Just wondering. If you want, we can agree on a time and date to play together. It must be during the weekend -Friday Saturday or Sunday-
@spefyjerbf In my noob days I played Tryn and Cho.
@MechWARRIOR57 Didn't think so.
@KnightOfAraluen oh yeah no
@MechWARRIOR57 League of Legends
What's that?
Nice. I played a lot of morde in my noob days before he got reworked.
@spefyjerbf I main mid. The champs I play are Veigar, Mordekaiser, Brand, Malzahar, and soon Yasuo.
I'm a filthy anivia and (soon) sion main. If you want to add me, my summoner name is the same as my SP name. I haven't had much time for LoL lately, so I most likely will not be able to play a game with you.