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Looking for tips and tricks for making planes

6 Willbelo  8.4 years ago

Just wanting to start making my own planes and I have trouble get everything placed right to actually make things fly. I'm new to building but not to flying (I am on pc and mobile so I'm not very limited on ideas)

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    1,623 mblastr

    The nudge tool is super useful. It allows you to hide parts inside of blocks and position parts more precisely. Hold shift + WSADQE keys to nudge on PC. On mobile the fine tuner mod can be used for nudging parts.

    8.4 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic
    1. Don't try to be good right away
      Although it may sound counter-intuitive, just get to know the quirks and tricks of the editor before you go full force on uploading
      Little tricky at first, I had the privilege of being semi-skilled when they were added to the game, but seeing that you just got the game, learn how to use them efficiently
    3. Get to know, get known
      If you're looking for an adventure on the site, get to know some people! They'll surely be glad to help you if you need (Me! Though I'm not able to be on my computer too often)
    8.4 years ago
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    Try downloading a plane/vehicle on the Front Page (anywhere works) and tear it apart to see how that user built that aircraft that way. and mostly use PC, its alot better.

    8.4 years ago
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    Just the thing

    8.4 years ago