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Thank you everyone who has supported me so far, and suggestions on what to build

3,931 JackTheBestBoss  8.3 years ago

I joined simple planes a few months ago, I stayed in the shadows, avoiding to talk to anyone, I just downloading planes. Then I decided to do something, to actually make planes and talk to people. I am now somewhat successful, until now. I don't know what to build, I'm stuck in a ditch. I still upvote things and be talk but I can't seem what to build. Anyways, I need a lot of help on building, thank you everyone that has helped me along the way, please help me build things, I would also love to get some suggestions too

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    Ok thx@tuco

    8.3 years ago
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    10.1k tuco

    make whatever comes to your mind , you can train your creativity

    8.3 years ago
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    Thanks for the upvote@ForeverPie

    8.3 years ago
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    Ok please do that@CALVIN232

    8.3 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    @JackTheBestBoss if you want i will post the engines as unlisted then mention you on them so you can have early access to make planes with just don't mention them to anyone until the plane series is complete pick a team red yellow green any colour you want and build a prop plane you can use my old blue as a rough example of what's allowed for tier one race plane 3 will show roughly what's allowed in tier 2 and tier 3 is to come and is undecided on what class of plane

    8.3 years ago
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    Ok thx for the help@CALVIN232

    8.3 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    ha im going though the same thing only diffence is im stuck with what to build and how im not inspired to do it so i decied to take some time off in the meantime you can do some prop race planes for my up coming role play i have build a few for it already and ill post the engines for them soon so eveyone can use them im at the moment using the race role play to test and tweak them

    8.3 years ago