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Skyhawk Tales -- 21 May 1982, "Bomb Alley", Falkland Islands War

30.4k ChiChiWerx  8.3 years ago

A-4P Skyhawk
21 May 82...Following 3 Daggers, Naval Air Squadron 3 sorties three A-4Qs from Rio Grande AB to strike British landings at San Carlos Strait--better known as "Bomb Alley". On station, two frigates, HMS Ardent and Broadsword, are bombarding the airstrip at Goose Green. The Daggers manage to avoid the Ardent’s Sea Cat SAMs and the 4.5” gun and hit her with three bombs—destroying her Sea Lynx helicopter, blowing the Sea Cat launcher 80’ into the air and crippling her steering. Captain Alberto Phillippi, leads his A-4Qs in on the stranded frigate. Flying at 10m (33’) above the water at 900 km/h (540 mph+) to avoid radar, sea spray hits the windscreen as the flight avoids rain and low clouds. They spot the Ardent and attack her with 500 lb bombs, hitting home with 2 - 4 bombs. Lt Gustavo Marcelo Marquez, bringing up the rear of the section, drops; the A-4s break off and jam their throttles to the firewall. But, it isn’t over yet...suddenly, two 800 Sqdn Harrier FRS.1s from HMS Hermes, looking for blood, dive to intercept the flight...Marquez sees the closing "Muerta Negra" and yells a warning over the radio: “Harrier! Harrier!” Flt Lt John Leeming closes and engages Marquez with 30mm cannon fire, splashing into the water around his Skyhawk. The A-4 is hit, explodes into pieces...Marquez is killed. The second Harrier's pilot, Lt Clive Morrell, engages Philippi’s jet with a Sidewinder it guides into the A-4 and detonates. The jet violently bucks up and begins to spin off to the right. Phillipi looks off his right shoulder and sees the Harrier coming in to finish him off, “too close for comfort”…he tells his section he’s ok and punching out, then pulls the ejection handle. The slipstream from the violent ejection hits his entire body, he passes out and lands in the water. The parachute inflates with the wind and he’s drug onshore. He reaches the beach, completely exhausted and is recovered by Argentine forces.

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    @ShawnJohn20 So Northern Ireland doesn't belong to you.

    2.1 years ago
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    Argentines on a Sunday: we have to meet some day and eat a barbecue, do you think?

    English: Kill them!

    Entrerriano: why do I want an island that is far away and that 100% of the time is below 0 ° and that is not even mine?

    5.8 years ago
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    "you can go as low as your guys would let to"

    6.3 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @MechWARRIOR57 True story...

    8.3 years ago
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    8.3 years ago