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SPECIAL REQUEST for casing ejection part

10.1k esms1999  8.4 years ago

i would like someone to build and modify a special thing for me.

1 must eject casings at the same speed as the firing speed of a wing gun and must activate with the same activation script as the wing gun (aka when yo upress the shoot button for guns
2 must fit in a 1x1x1 area
3 must have at least 200-400 casings
4 casings must be no more than .25 long and .01 in diameter

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    10.1k esms1999

    @Supercraft888 ehhhhhhhhhhh

    8.4 years ago
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    Good god, really that's too difficult for XML modders, you need an actual mod

    8.4 years ago
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    10.1k esms1999

    @MechWARRIOR57 yes it is and one i really need done

    8.4 years ago
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    Wow that's hard

    8.4 years ago