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Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: UPNW World Factbook

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.4 years ago



Note: All maps are made by our official map maker: MemeKing
Map of the Major World Languages

Map of the Least-Corrupt Nations Note: He TRIED to remove bias

Map of the UPNW Groups bases of Operations
No map yet

Country Stats

Government: Islamic Caliphate
Ideology: Sharia
Alliance: UPNW/CAT
UPNW Membership: Primary/Permanent
World Stats: Superpower
Language: Arabic/English Primarily.
Capital: Makkah/Jakarta
Regions: 70+
Population: 5.3 billion
Manpower: 12 Million (Active); 276 Million (Reserve); 580 Million Fit For Combat (Estimate)
Denonym: Awwamy
Literacy Rate: 100%
Tech: Futuristic/Advanced
GDP: GD214 Trillion
Stability: 87%
Area: 42,166,361 km²
Pop. Density: 1.7/1km²
Average Income: GD160,712 (Gold Dirham- 1GD=$23)

Federal Republic of Berus
Local Name: Berus
Local Long Name: The Berusian Republic
Government: Federal Republic
Ideology: Democratic
Alliance: UPNW, NTTF
UPNW Membership: Member
World Stats: Superpower
National Motto: "For God, Country, Family and Freedom" (English)
"Für Gott, Vaterland, Familie und Freiheit" (German)
Language: English, German,Russian, French and Filipino
Primary Religion: 70% Catholic, 20% Muslim, 10% Others
Capital: Neuell, Middle Berus, Federal Republic of Berus
Regions: 8
Manpower: 12 Million active personnel, 100 Million reservists
Military Specialty: Combined Arms
Population: 10 billion
Denonym: Berusian
Literacy Rate: 98%
Tech: Advanced-Futuristic
GDP: 890 trillion Berusian Dollars (BrD)
Dollars (BrD) 1 BrD = 4 USD
Drives on : Right Side
ISO 3166 : BER
Internet TLD : .ber

Short name: Ecuador
Local Long name: República Comunista del Ecuador
Government: Communist Republic
Ideology: Unitary State
Alliance(s): UPNW, Pacific Powers Alliance
World Status: 3rd World country
Languages: Spanish
Provinces/States:Azuay Bolivar Cañar
Carchi Chimborazo Cotopaxi
El Oro Esmeraldas Galápagos
Guayas Imbabura Loja
Los Ríos Manabí Morona-Santiago
Napo Orellana Pastaza
Pichincha Santa Elena Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas
Sucumbíos Tungurahua East Brazil Zamora-Chinchipe
Capital: Quito
Military: Active :11,100,000 Reserve : 15,500,000
Population: 20,102,000
Religious Demographic : Roman Catholic
Denonym: Ecuadorian
Literacy Rate: %97
Tech: Semi Modern
GDP: 120.601 Billion
Area: /km^2283,560
Population Density: 65/km
Stability : 100%
Average income: 6k-30k
Date format: MM/DD/YY
Drives on the: Right
Internet TLD: .ec

Great African Empire
Flag: GAE
Local Name:
Local Long Name:
Government: Closed Democracy
UPNW Membership: Primary
World Stats:Superpower
National Motto: United We Stand Strong, Seperated We Fall
Language:African, English. Japanese
Primary Religion:
Manpower: 2.6 Million (753k Reserve)
Population: 234.6 Million
Denonym: African
Literacy Rate: 87% African. 13% Japanese. 8% Other
Tech: Futuristic
GDP: 18.5 Trillion
Average Income: 78,857

Hellenic Democratic Balkan Union
Short name: HDBU / HBU
Long name: Hellenic Democratic Balkan Union
Government: Democratic Republic
Ideology: Democratic
Alliance(s): UPNW
World Status: New Mediterranian Power
Languages: Greek, Ancient Greek, Latin, Bulgarian, Albanian, Slavic.
Provinces/States: 27
Capital: Athens
Military: 15 million Active, 18million Reserve
Population: 55 - 67 million
Religious Demographic : Christian Orthodox, Katholic, Islamic
Denonym: Hellenik, Balkan, Greek
Literacy Rate: 56%Greek 15%Albanian 14%Bulgarian 15% Slavic/Other
Tech: Navy, Aironautics and Suborbital Advancements.
GDP: 35 Trillion Euro(s)
Area: /km^2 617436.014
Population Density: /km 85
Stability : 73%
Average income: 50,274.3 Euro(s) - 150,8229 ? (Drachma) 1EUR->3Drachma
Date format: DD/MM/YY
Drives on the: Right
Internet TLD: .hbu

Flag: Auruna
Alternate Flags: Civil Flag, Alternate Civil Flag (Note the Darker Colors)
Local Name: Katipuna
Local Long Name: (Aurun) Demokraziya Republika Katipuna, (Tagalog) Republika ng Katipunia
Government: Democratic Republic
Ideology: Capitalist Neutrality
Alliance: Pacific Powers
UPNW Membership: Primary
World Stats: Superpower
National Anthem: Yie Zuyuma Zemlya (The Golden Land)
National Day: Katipunia Day, December 16
National Motto: Zie Deu, Zie'ie Kruva und Zie Katipuna! (For God, for the People, and for Katipunia!)
Language: Aurun (based on Slavic and German), Tagalog, English, and Regional Languages
Primary Religion: Christianity (Catholic-37%; Protestant-62%; Others-1%); Islam (Mindanao Only)
Capital: New Veratun
Regions: 25[Provinces]
Manpower: 10.2 Million (Active); 50 Million (Reserve)
Military Specialty: Radar/Electronic Warfare, Ground/Naval Forces
Population: 731.5 Million (estimate)
Denonym: Aurun/Katipunian
Literacy Rate: 93.2%(English); 99%(Aurun); 99%(Tagalog); 90%(Regional)
Tech: Advanced Modern-Futuristic, Ion-based
GDP: $66.1 Trillion
Stability: 93%
Area: 18,619,902km²
Pop. Density: 39/1km²
Average Income: 90,432 KR (Katipunian Ravien, 1 KR=18 USD)
Date format: dd/mm/yyyy
Drives on the: right
ISO 3166: KT
Internet TLD: .kt

Lanzarrian Conglomerate
Short name: Lanzarria
Long name: Lanzarrian Conglomerate
Government: Democommunicracy
Ideology: Democratic Communism
Alliance(s): UPNW
World Status: Superpower
Languages: Japanese, Russian, German and English
Military Specialty:
Provinces/States: 18
Regions: 104
Capital: Chile, New Maipu
Military: 112 million active, 150 million reserve
Population: 570 million
Religious Demographic : (10%) Protestant, (49%) Russian Orthodox, (11%) Roman Catholic, (20%) Others
Denonym: Lanzarrian
Literacy Rate: 97%
Tech: Advanced-futuristic, Nanotechnology and Cold-fusion based.
GDP: 16.3 Quadrillion US dollars
Area: 29,647,112/km²
Population Density: 14.2/1km²
Stability : 97%
Average income: 2,750,000 US dollars
Date format: DD/M/YYYY
Drives on the: Right
ISO 3166: LC
Internet TLD: .lc

Paternian Republic
Short name: Paternia
Local Long name: Paternian Republic
Government: Federal Republic
Ideology: Democratic Socialist
Alliance: NRNW, UPNW, PPA
World Status: Superpower
Official Languages: English, French, Spanish
Minority Official Languages: Arabic, Greek, Polish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi,
Provinces: 10
Capital: Honolulu, Hawaii
Military: 10 million active, 28 million reserve, 300 million of military service age.
Population: 1.45 billion
Religoins: Christian (55%), Muslim (35%), other (10%)
Denonym: Paternian
Literacy Rate: 98%
Tech: Advanced-futuristic, Dark-Matter based
GDP: 54 Trillion Paternian Dollars (P)
Area: 13 million km^2
Population Density: 58ppl/km^2
Average income: 275,000 Paternian Dollars (P) (1 P = 5 USD)
Date format: dd/mm/yyyy (BCE)
Drives on the: right
ISO 3166: PR
Internet TLD: .pr

UNSR Update Pending
Local name: UNSR
Local Long: Organizatsiya Ob"yedinennykh Natsiya Sovetskiye Respubliki
Government: Territorial Republic
Ideology: Democratic Neutrality
Alliance: UPNW
UPNW Membership: Member
World Stats: Regional Power
National Motto: Nanesti udar po svobode! (Strike For Freedom!)
Language: Russian, Kazakh, Czech
Primary Religion: Christianity-78% Muslim-21% Other-1%
Regions: 68[Provinces]
Capital: Deshnuk
Manpower: 2.7 Million (Active); 3.0 Million (Reserve)
Military Specialty: Ground Forces/Air Forces
Population: 227.1 Million (estimate)
Denonym: Soviet
Literacy Rate: 99%(Russian); 95%(English); 50%(Kazakh,Bulgarian,)
Tech: Advanced Modern-Futuristic
GDP: $11.6 Trillion
Stability: 93%
Area: 7,673,902km²
Pop. Density: 11.7/1km²
Average Income: 160,770 SVC ( Soviet Credits, 1 SVC= 2 USD)


Name: Fox-Industries
Type: civilian/military contractor.
Based: Federal Republic of Berus, secondary facilities in Washington state (paternian territory)
Formed: March, 1980
Founder: Markus Foxx
Subsidiaries: Katipunian Branch (Working with VSK), Viper-Industries



Primary Languages: English, German, Spanish, Afrikan, Russian, Aurun
Primary/Permanent Members (The Big 5): Awwam, Berus, ESR, Katipunia, Paternia
Temorary Members (Rotating per 2 Years): Ecuador, Sals, Lanzarria (In progress of being a Primary)
Status: DEFCON 4

Rules of War/UPNW Geneva Convention

Rule 1. Each party to a conflict must distinguish between Civilians and Combatants, War must only be against Combatants.
Rule 2. Acts or threats of violence which primary purpose of which is to spread
terror among the civilian population are prohibited.
Rule 3. All members of the armed forces of a party to the conflict are combat-
ants, except medical and religious personnel.
Rule 4. The armed forces of a party are responsible for the conduct of their units and their subordinates.

Distinction between Civilian Objects and Military Objectives
Rule 5. The parties to the conflict must at all times distinguish between civilian
objects and military objectives. Attacks may only be directed against military
objectives. Attacks must not be directed against civilian objects.
Rule 6. In so far as objects are concerned, military objectives are limited to
those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective
contribution to military action and whose partial or total destruction, capture
or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite mili-
tary advantage. [IAC/NIAC]
Rule 7. Civilian objects are protected against attack, unless and for such time
as they are military objectives. [IAC/NIAC]
Rule 8. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited.
Rule 9. Indiscriminate attacks are those:
(a) which are not directed at a specific military objective;
Is directed at a mass location
(b) which employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed
at a specific military objective; or
(c) which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which can-
not be limited as required by international humanitarian law;
and consequently, in each such case, are of a nature to strike military objectives
and civilians or civilian objects without distinction, Which is entirely prohibited.
Rule 10. Attacks by bombardment by any method or means which treats a single military objective, a number of clearly and obviously distinct Military Objectives in a city, town or village, or such similar environments where there are higher concentrations of civilians is completely prohibited.

Proportionality in Attack

Rule 11. Launching an attack which may be expected or known to cause incidental loss
of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination
thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military
advantage anticipated, is prohibited.

Precautions in Attack
Rule 12. In the conduct of military operations, constant care must be taken to
spare the civilian population, civilians and civilian objects. All feasible precau-
tions must be taken to avoid, and in any event to minimize, incidental loss of
civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects.
Rule 13. Each party to the conflict must do everything possible to verify that
targets are military objectives.
Rule 14. Each party to the conflict must take all possible precautions in the
choice of means and methods of warfare with a view to avoiding, and in any
event to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and dam-
age to civilian objects.
Rule 15. Each party to the confl ict must do everything feasible to assess whether
the attack may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians,
damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in
relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.
Rule 16. Each party to the conflict must do everything feasible to cancel or
suspend an attack if it becomes apparent that the target is not a military objec-
tive or that the attack may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life,
injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which
would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage
anticipated, Not doing so will result in consequent punishments.
(Original Source:; we just edited and simplified it)

(If you have ideas for more sections or any more ideas, please let me know)

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    1,694 1gman4evr

    @GoldenEagle Well if C&C is restarting I'mma take Portugal and Spain. DankDorito said everyone is restarting.

    8.4 years ago
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    1,694 1gman4evr

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Didn't we settle on me having Brazil's coast?

    8.4 years ago
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    1,694 1gman4evr

    Short name: N/A
    Local Long name: N/A
    Government: republic
    Ideology: democratic
    Alliance: UPNW, CAT
    World Status: Major Power
    Official Languages: Portuguese
    Provinces/States: South Portugal, North Portugal, North-East Brazil, South-East Brazil, Rio De Jenario
    Capital: Lisbon
    Military: 3 million active, 5 million reserve
    Population: about 123 million
    Religions: Christian (73%) muslim (10%) others (17%)
    Denonym: Portuguese
    Literacy Rate: 94%
    Tech: modern, nuclear-power
    GDP: 100 million Euros
    Area: Portugal and East Brazil
    Population Density: usually 54 people/ per kilometer
    Drives on the: right

    8.4 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito

    Country Name UNSR
    Short name: UNSR/Soviet Republic
    Local Long name: United Nation of Soviet Republics
    Government: Democratic Republic
    Ideology: Democratic Nuetrality
    Alliance: UPNW
    World Status: Superpower
    Official Languages: Russian, English, Czech, Kazakh, Bulgerian
    Provinces/States: 95
    Capital: Deshnuk
    Military: Specialty Ground Forces/Air Forces
    Manpower: 10 million Active,25 million reserved
    Population: 1.1 Billion
    Religoins: Christianity 78%. Muslim 21%. Other-1%
    Denonym: Soviet/Russian
    Literacy Rate: 99% Russian 95% English 50% Kazakh, Bulgerian
    Tech: Advanced-semi futuristic
    GDP: 100 Trillion Soviet Credits 1 SVC=1 USD
    Area: 10,102,030 SqKM
    Population Density: 60ppl/sq KM
    Average Income: 200,000 SVC
    Date format: DD/MM/YYYY
    Drives on the: Left
    ISO 3166: wut
    Internet TLD: idk

    8.4 years ago
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    make the "Proportionality in Attack", "Distinguishing between Civilian Objects and Military Objects", Bold and Space them.

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    Avarua is part of ESR. @PINK

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Lol Wut?@Pilotmario

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario


    8.4 years ago
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    I did

    8.4 years ago
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    @Supercraft888 Alright, Join the discord server though.

    8.4 years ago
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    Joking, sorry, I've been building my own lore and stuff but sure I can be a company, I'll make up my own up just for this.

    8.4 years ago
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    @Supercraft888 this RP has a large history and many branches. Go here for main episode, it will be replaced soon with an updated one.

    8.4 years ago
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    @Supercraft888 No Aliens, genius.
    USFAF is what right now?

    8.4 years ago
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    Oh okay, in my lore thingy the USFAF wasn't even a thing yet, so I guess I can be The Alliance, but are aliens allowed?

    8.4 years ago
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    @Supercraft888 2090, Alot of major nations denounced space warfare, There is already a space faction called ISFOS.

    8.4 years ago
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    when does this story take place?

    8.4 years ago
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    @Supercraft888 There is already a peacekeeping faction actually.

    8.4 years ago
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    @Supercraft888 I Disagree with having a United Space Federation, A High Majority of battles take place on earth, And Space is Open area as was Agreed on in the UPNW Security Council.

    8.4 years ago
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    @Supercraft888 In a Company, You may stay neutral at your discretion and you build weaponry, equipment, and vehicle, As a group, You are not a company but rather a movement, you may start a Rebel Group, or be exclusive to select Nations, Or Be a Military for hire, And more. As a group You have business in war and conflict, You may take sides.

    8.4 years ago
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    Actually, wait, I should be the just United Space Federation (USF) we arnt a militaristic governemnt, the armed forces is just the military portion, but we have a intergalactic education system called the USFES, and a peacekeeping faction (albeit small) USFP.

    8.4 years ago
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    What's the difference between a company or group?

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    Understandable. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Want to become a arms group in the ESR? @Supercraft888

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK


    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Mudkip became ESR. @Pilotmario

    8.4 years ago
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