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Monthly Update: November 2016

42.3k Supercraft888  7.9 years ago

I want to start off by saying thank you for 50 followers and 16 thousand freaking points! That's a crazy number! That's actually more than three times the number of days I've lived in this planet, I think, math isn't my strong suit. Anyway, October was kinda a bust, I set my bar WAY too high and I definitely failed, but at least I tried! Recently school has been getting in the way of normal life, so, I can't upload and create as often as I like, but I try. Anyway, back on topic. Also from now on I'm calling the COLD WAR MEGA BUILD, the CWMB

In my last "Monthly update" I competed:
• multiple planes from the CWMB

And I've been working on:
•USFAF c-190 (thx to SteadfastContracting for the modding help)
•Epochxian LT-57
•a boat (still can't think of a name)
•multiple planes for the CWMB

So my plans are for this month is to complete my current projects, and POSSIBLY get working again on my CWMB

I also what to take a quick survey, do you think I should post my CWMB creations in bulk, but drop a bit on quality, or keep the quality, but drop a bit on quantity? I try to strive for accuracy, by getting all the weight, horsepower, and size right, but it does take a lot of time tweaking everything. Furthermore, thank you for all the support and entries in the biplane challenge, I'm still grading them so do be patient

 And finally huge shoutout to Dovahkiin420 for putting up with my XML request, he's the real MVP here, and if it wasn't for him most of my planes wouldn't be possible.  

Thanks for tuning in to this months update, and I'll see you all soon.


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    7.9 years ago
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    A small bomber...well geez I guess that helps
    Well that's one point for quality

    7.9 years ago
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    More quality, less quantity.
    Remember, "Quality, not quantity."

    7.9 years ago
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    Same question

    7.9 years ago
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    What do you think I should do with the CWMB? Also what should a light bomber look like?

    7.9 years ago