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81.6k Himynameiswalrus  8.2 years ago

Dat moment when your dad is watching American Football and you see the NFL is sponsored by Infinite Warfare.......

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    @bspboy words of wisdom

    8.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    Yeah, as long as one person gets money from advertisements they usually dont care what the advertisement is as long as it's "predicted" to do well and isn't offensive in any way, the only way this is offensive is to average gamers everywhere XD. You have to realize their situation though, they should've listened to their fans, they really should. However, they spent so much time trying to create a game people can enjoy, and they can possibly get money out of, i dont really know how it is because i stopped after call of duty pulled gumball machines in zombies and started using Exo Power Ups. I got BO3 because i really thought there may be some shred of hope left, and that left me with an answer after i bought the hardened edition....
    Nope, No hope here.
    Regardless of the futuristic implements in the most recent Call of Duty games, we should still at least try them out, even if they do seem quite.....bad to say the least. Even if the franchise is about to perish and EA will become like the Robber Barons of the US industrial era, we should at least be able to judge it without saying that we wanted World War 2, not World War Fifteen. I just looked it up on the internet, and the first thing that i saw stated that it was"fun, fast, but a wasted opportunnity". I read into that article, and it stated the same thing that most everyone says about the newest COD game
    ughhh future, ughhh rocket boots....
    My point to all this is, everyone needs to be at least slightly grateful that the COD franchise is even still running, they started work on this game before CODBOIII and almost nobody takes that into account. Everyone just quickly jumps onto the two different hype and hate trains before they can judge for themselves and play the game. I get bad video games instead of doing my research sometimes because i like to see if it is actually horrible (as i have heard) or not. I did it with Sonic 06, people werent wrong there, however there was a game notable for bad reception that i enjoyed the multiplayer on. Aliens Colonial Marines was perceived as horrible by most people, but i only saw a few drawbacks from previous Alien and Predator games, and i didn't think it was entirely horrible. Anyways, games like that can be perceived as horrible by most, yet someone may find some sort of joy in it.

    8.2 years ago
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    25.2k JacobHardy64

    Get it on PC it's better @Himynameiswalrus

    8.2 years ago
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    @Fishbowl1121 lol

    8.2 years ago
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    10.9k bspboy

    All CoD are just repackaged with new skins. So repetitive. Just like FIFA

    8.2 years ago
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    @Fishbowl1121 XD NFL I'm comin for u with my sopwith camel and my Kolibri

    8.2 years ago
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    8.2 years ago
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    I played the beta of BF1 and it is, the graphics are amazing the gameplay is balanced its amazing!

    YOU NEED IT!!!!!!!


    8.2 years ago
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    @MechWARRIOR57 lol bo2 is much better, bo1 is fun, but you can't see crap. Bo2, battlefield 4, and mw3 are the best, but I don't own any of them, I play them at my friends house. I've seen so many vids of BF1 and it looks SO GOOOOOOOD I NEEEED IT

    8.2 years ago
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    well Bo3 was my first CoD game so I'm al little biased but same with BF1

    and you know BF1 is on my xmas list ^L^ @Himynameiswalrus

    8.2 years ago
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    @MechWARRIOR57 and even Bo3 sucks! Battlefield 1 is SO GOOD THO. I showed my dad the trailer, and instead of going, "oh it's too violent" or something like that, he said "too bad we don't have an XBox one"

    8.2 years ago
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    ugh infinite warfare is just a re-skin of Bo3 with some new elements added

    8.2 years ago