Here are some common problems with SimplePlanes you may encounter on Windows, and some fixes that might help.
The game crashes when going into the designer or going into flight
First, ensure you don't have any mods running
- In the main menu in SimplePlanes, see if there's a Mods button. If there is, click the Mods button and ensure all mods are disabled. Then restart the game.
If that doesn't work, try moving your game files off to the side
- While SimplePlanes is running, open Windows Explorer
- Go to
- Rename the
folder toSimplePlanes.Backup
- Exit SimplePlanes and restart
If that works then it means your game files were in a funky state and causing the game to crash. Now that it's working, you can copy your planes back in by copying the SimplePlanes.Backup/AircraftDesigns
folder into your SimplePlanes
SimplePlanes won't download airplanes on Windows
Windows Firewall may be blocking SimplePlanes. You will need add an exception to the Windows Firewall (also called an allowed application). Instructions here.
У меня игране загружается, именно в моменте где можно строить и настраивать технику т.к. я загрузил слишком тяжёлую технику(целый крейсер). Что мне с этим делать?!
the issue i have is the game launches and only shows as a background task
I am getting a subscription and it says "We are currently experiencing a very high volume of traffic and cannot currently process your request. Please try again later. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience." Why Is That?
When I login to the account in the game, the game crashes, I have initialized the game, please help me.
im having trouble with mods. Yesterday i want to download a Multiplayer and Radar Mod, unfortunately, I didnt see any of the mods i downloaded. i checked my simpleplanes folder and my mod was there, not in the game. Why?
Not yet sadly @Aerodeanamik
@M081LEng1NeeR IT WORKED, thanks so much I never would've found that
@Aerodeanamik I was able to fix the issue on my pc check out my comment
I fixed the problem by getting rid of a mod I downloaded. If u downloaded any mods recently then experienced this, the mod might not be compatible with your system. Finding the mod folder can be difficult, you can do this by going to your file explorer and the path should be C:/Users/(youruserprofile)/AppData/LocalLow/Jundroo/SimplePlanes/Mods. Alternatively, you can just search up Jundroo then go from there. U might have to enable seeing “hidden items” in your file explorer to be able to see the AppData folder. Hope this helps!
@AndrewGarrison @TodesschnitzelXD @M081LEng1NeeR I am having the same exact problem, did you ever get it fixed?
@M081LEng1NeeR yes exactly the same for me
I noticed this too. The game shows on the task bar and a window pops up briefly with the SP logo but with an exclamation mark on the top left corner, then closes.
@AndrewGarrison the newest version
I tried reinstalling the game multiple times and nothing changes
Oh and im on PC
@TodesschnitzelXD What version of the game are you using? What kind of device are you using? Have you tried restarting your device?
@Jordano13 Same lol but i didnt download anything
Not even planes
The Game wont even start for me
Every time i try it i get an error message/symbol from unity but no info what went wrong
I have the problem is, in the sky, I fly a plane just not under 30 sec, and this game freeze and only hear the sound of the game, I not download the mod and too much plane, not too much fps.
my game wont start up.
Not sure what happened, I tried downloading a custom map and the game doesn't open anymore.. D:
@jamesPLANESii my friend had the same problem ..he invited me over his house to fix it ...and i consider myself as a computer genius (kidding) ....i draged the splane.file over simple planes and the game downloaded the aircraft problem solved
And the "Simple planes won't download any aeroplanes" bit is what my computer now did. I moved the wrong file to the home screen. It was the one with the Internet link I think... Or something. The picture was the same as the logo, so it confused me. I fixed it though. It took about a month to realise why.
My old computer crashed whenever going into the editor. I think it's because the RAM was less than 1/8 as powerful as what the minimum requirements were though.
@EarthwormJim There's not very many built-in, but if you make a mod you can register your own commands. Here's what is in there by default:
Hmmm, I definitely need something like net_graph 1/2/3 from CS. What devconsole commands we have here?
@EarthwormJim Physics should be stable between varying FPS.
Ok, last question - is there a difference between 60fps and 100fps for the game's engine? I mean is there a difference in interpolation, particularly for the physics model used in the game?