Hi, ive just bought this game for my 8 year old, he is trying to download planes and we keep getting the message (cannot download, please verify internet connection and try again, We defiantly have internet so cant work out whats wrong?
Please be gentle with responses as im a mum with basic pc knowledge,
we are using it via Steam on a windows 10 pc???
Hope i haven't just wasted £9.99 :(
@NXMEL3SS The weird thing is that i think these people don't play anymore
@SimpleStudent ok, it's either your internet or the game, disable your browser's antivirus (because it probably blocks it) or more.
@Mxdecation That doesn't help!
hey, here is the solution (1 step only) RESTART UR GODDAMN DEVICE
hey, here is the solution (1 step only) RESTART UR GODDAMN DEVICE
I play on PC. I have been able to download planes on ver 1.10 but after I updated it didn't want to download. Please help me on this as I really do want an F4-J Phantom II,
V22 Osprey and so many other planes.
help me, i have try all steps like AndrewGarrison said, but i can't load my plane, please help me, don't lave me alone
I can help, maybe its the apps that take the space or the browser that blocks the app from downloading or trying disabling music or video replay.
how do you disable vid replay
Ok I'll give that a try thx @AndrewGarrison
@CALVIN232 Might be a memory issue. Try disabling music and disabling Video Replay in the main menu and hopefully that will help to make the game a little more stable.
@AndrewGarrison while you're here to save making another post could you help with iOS it seems to be crashing a lot well for me it does and it has caused me to lose a lot of nice planes because it sometimes crashes when I try to save it or post anything is there anything I can do?
@jakecharlie When you download a plane from the website through the browser, it's just a *.splane file, which only contains the ID of the plane you want to download. This is then fed to the game which then makes another web request to download the actual plane data. I suspect that Windows is blocking SimplePlanes. You can add SimplePlanes as an allowed application. Instructions here.
@jakecharlie I'm not an expert on how this game works on a computer, as I play on an IPad. I'll tag one of the developers and see if they can help
hmm ok well go to the very bottom of the page and click "contact" this will send you to a page where you can send an email to the developers they will be able to help @jakecharlie
@LatteCoffee55 Ive tried both ways, still wont work
@MechWARRIOR57 Lol!! Im bad but not that bad :)
@Himynameiswalrus Hi, i have tried downloading via website and via game?! it seems to download the plane from the website but when i press open it switches to the game and i get the same "no connection message" ??
If you are trying to download the planes through the simple planes game and it gives that error message thing, go to simple planes website go to the plane you want to download click that blue download button it should start to downloading a file when the file has downloaded click on it and it should open the game and you should have the plane. Sorry for possibly bad english
@MechWARRIOR57 true
she may not even know we responded @Himynameiswalrus
@MechWARRIOR57 I just told her though
yeah guys I don't think she knows how to respond @Himynameiswalrus @LatteCoffee55
Depends on how your trying to download it, as @LatteCoffee55 said. Can you tell me exactly how you are downloading it? Click the reply button next to my comment so I will get a notification that you replied