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(not literally) I think i struck gold...

8,660 Deloreandude  8.3 years ago

A few days ago, i uploaded a very colorful Sabre....and it got 24 upvotes!!!! THAT'S INSANE, RIGHT?! Well, the Sabre only differentiated from the original with its color and patterns (and upgraded engine, not the point). Anyways, the color on the aircraft was made with tiny blocks, .25 by .25 on hard setting, and no XML was all. The thing is, the blocks can be used on anything in anyway as long as you do it correctly. As a person who doesn't use XML modding, this is amazing for me! Think of what can happen! Pixel art on the wings of 747s....Bf-109s with historically accurate camouflage! I know this isn't news to a lot of people, but still, if you take a 746 and color the wings with tiny could truly do anything! Try it for yourself if you haven't... make a large aircraft and use .25 by .25 blocks to color the wings. Its harder to do it to the body, especially if its rounded, so doing the wings is a better choice and just color the body. It has so much awesome potential...let me know of what you think of this in the comments. I may do more like my Sabre, in fact i already thought about doing it with my MiG-19! :D