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Need XML modders

42.4k Supercraft888  8.3 years ago

I already posted this once, and it barley got any recognition, so I'm posting this forum post again in hopes that more people will find it

I need help with this here aircraft.

I need someone to XML mod/scale these lights:

•White lights in the aircraft, take up the length of the block they are on
•blue lights take up the space of that blue panel on the ground and be relatively flat.
•the lights on the landing gear to be linked to landing gear.
• a light that's scaled 2x it's normal size, but is relatively flat.

And yes I know I've been asking help from the XML modding community a lot for this one plane, but I really want to really put everything I got in this creation, it's my first "stealth" plane (stealth is in quotes becuase I don't know how sealthy it actually is) and it's also one of the first aircraft I've made with a real cargo bay!