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Chunder present.. #1

17.6k ChunderDownUndeR  8.2 years ago

The starlifter


-Note from CDU
-Description and insight
-Thank yous (make sure you acknowledge this)
-Will it be released?

Chunder's note

Sorry if im running the forum like a blog. I dont know any other way to use it..
Chunder presents is a post creation that im especially proud of. And would show Work in progress screenshots of before its even released. Its bascially just a brag. This is the first issue and we should only expect a new 'Chunder presents' once every 1-2 months.


Generally this Aircraft (temporary named the starlifter after its reference model until we can find a new name) Was initially intended to haul players in land vehicles around multiplayer. The planes is a quad-tilt rotor VTOL with exceptionally easy and effective control. the plane can land and take off in a conventional runway or a vtol takeoff. the rotors tilt to VTOL, pitch and roll. In vtol mode it can literally pivot-traverse like a tank without having to gain speed because of this, as it is quite similar to a tanks tracks. The cargo bay can hold up to three tanks. Can it still transport other vehicles? Yes it can. it still lives up to its intentions. However im compelled to say its harder with multiplayer vehicles for the time being due to the awkward collisions and often missync between two players. The aircraft is still being tested and is still being worked on.

It was inspired by the C&C starlifters (picture below)

Weighs 450,000 Lbs and carries 50,000 Gallons of fuel

the criteria for a transportable vehicle is the it must be under 23 ft wide and 13 high.


They are nearly in chronological order

Thank yous

I would like to thank The MutePaper, Speedyplane and Saturn who were my test guinea pigs On multiplayer.
Disclaimer: the 4-rotor concept game from c&c Shockwave and Rotr and originated from westwood studios as well as act of war.
And thank my discord chums.

Will it be released

Not yet. No comment on its date, but it wont be soon. To further situations there is already a inferiorily-small versioned copycat wannabe out there on the website at the moment, trying to steal my thunder despite most-likely already knowing the importance of my plans when it was released.
When it was first built it was only going to be multiplayer transport for me and never go public, but interest built up both in Lore-play and honest-want-to-try-it-ness So we can expect it in a few months, sadly (its date is going to be factored by many unforeseeable variables)


Create a plane (folding wing) or helicopter (Probably a folding swash plate) that can fit inside. You can start now. if you want to try out you can start work right now but the challenge has not yet started. We will hear more..Probably


Answer any questions in the comments I will answer them

Here are some already answered

QLiquidfox: Will it be able to be used on IOS
ACDU: Well.. Its large and has about 350 parts and the size of the plane creates lag aswell

QCDU:EIR*: Let me address the elephant in the room, When will it be released?
ACDU: Read above, idiot

EIR*: can it actually transport stuff?
CDU: multiplayer purposes are untested because of some issues and lag of time of this stuff, but yes it does lift and transport vehicles on singleplayer i can confirm that

*EIR=Elephant in the room

Any more questions comment and it will be answered


This is a video of it playing in its WIP state. There will be no more videos of it finished to create any disinterest, as the video will state in its desc.

Flight demo

Video description
'The starlifter inspired by C&C Shockwave and Rotr. Original concept from Westwood studios. It is a VTOL aircraft designed for multiplayer transport on simpleplanes can now possibly make its way to Chunders release list in the distant future. The aircraft has no much potential right now as it still a work in progress. And already features so much I uploaded this video of it in its '50% built progress' so people are engaged to see the finished thing Building suspense and not see this video and say' well now iv seen it now i dont have to download it'

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    12.9k poenix

    @ChunderDownUndeR lol I saw my plane in the background of one of the pictures I find it funny how small it is compared to this

    8.2 years ago
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    yes yes it is, Sadly i never got around to releasing it. Im surprised anyone remembers it

    8.2 years ago
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    4,835 Patrick20206

    In the 9th picture is that the stratolifter II?

    8.2 years ago