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1,409 CaptainFrosty  8.3 years ago

for some reason the size of the plane/ship/car etc. affects rotor performance. I've tried a lot of things to fix it such as replace the rotors,change rotation speed and even started the whole project from the beginning,only to find out that it didn't fix it.It always seems to happen after a certain size or weight has been surpassed.
If anyone else has had this happen to them I urge you to comment how and when it happened and give as many details as you can that way it will be easier for the devs to fix this bug.

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    SMALL UPDATE. I am starting to believe the wobble is due to low weight. I was making a ship when I noticed the wobble and posted this,yet when I chose to continue the ship despite the wobble I found out that the more I added on the ship the less it's turrets wobbled,to the point of not wobbling at all!

    8.3 years ago
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    35.1k BoxGlow

    Another thing I've noticed with example 2, if the entire assembly is very long and only relies on a single rotator at the base for support, the whole assembly will start to wobble despite the weight of the assembly..
    Edit: when i said "fuselage" i mean all "rigid" parts (like simple blocks, fuselage blocks, fuel tanks, engines, etc)

    8.3 years ago
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    35.1k BoxGlow

    I've noticed this in designs that uses lots of rotators.
    if you have a simple --[ rotators -> fuselage ]-- assembly the connection between the two pieces is very strong and will not wobble under most circumstances.
    But if you have --[ rotators -> fuselage -> rotators -> fuselage ]-- assembly, you'll start getting slight wobbles whis is amplified the more rotators you have and how heavy the entire thing is.. This also applies to all part that makes a block move (like pistons, detachers, spring).

    +2 8.3 years ago