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The War In Space:Invasion Of the Scutum-Centaurus-Arm

18.5k SimpleTechAndResearch  8.3 years ago

Battles during this episode:
Battle Of HD9ED8496
First Attack On Earth

Invasions During this episode
Invasion Of the Scutum-Centaurus-Arm (Main

Log #948303, Colonel Wilken Wolfson (UGOTMK)
It was a hard day today, General Hilbon said we're going to invade the Scutum-Centaurus-Arm, he said "Expect the Unexpected my friend", those words saved me. we got supplies at ??????, then proceded to HD9ED8496, the first target. when we got their, we used our new weapon. Capital Ship/Planet Destroyer Black Sun, we saw a planet explode, then their counterattacks started, we started taking hits from all sides, if i renember correctly i saw a torpedo hit our second main turret, it was ablaze. we still didnt give up, we intercepted their communications and heard "Send the Destroyer" we knew what was coming and prepared, then we saw it, THE Dreadnought of the DOTG, Yuork Mosck, we fired a Planet destroyer laser at it, you think it would be overkill but it deflected it, we knocked out its shields however, we fired at it with everything we had, spaceships to Star Torpedos, Small Turrets to Main Turrets, it just didnt go down though, our Planet Destroyer Recharged and we fired, this is what destroyed it. we did it, we occupied it. Now we had a base to further invade the Scutum-Centaurus-Arm.

United Galaxy Of The Milky Way
Capitals (Multiple)
Military Capital:Washington D.C.
Primary Capitals:Seoul and Moscow
World Order Capitals:Berlin, London, Tokyo and Mexico City.
All capitals located on Earth

Dictatorship of the Galaxy
Members:MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation, exosuit
Capital Located:HD129420

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