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42.8k Kimo  8.3 years ago

Hi, I have trouble with mirroring hinge rotators. The Problem seems to be that they are loosing the nudge of the fuselage attached to them when mirrored and do not move. It is a *+?-pain to rebuild it each time you have to mirror. Have you or someone else experienced the same trouble or know a solution to this issue plz help me with this.

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    Yeah, I always just save the mirroring for last. Its really a suicide mission trying to make F1 suspension setups

    8.3 years ago
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    42.8k Kimo

    Thanks a lot for your answer! Than I'll just work around as usual. I was trying to solve it by editing the connections after mirroring but did not succeed. I am sure there is an easy way:-) Just got to find it...@HellFireKoder

    8.3 years ago
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    It's always been a bug unfortunately as HFK said below.

    8.3 years ago
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    It's a bug with mirroring :(

    Unfortunately I don't think there's a solution (though I could be wrong, I'm actually less experienced in the editor than probably half of the Fine Tuner users)

    8.3 years ago
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    8,812 Verterium


    8.3 years ago
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    13.9k CanofBeans

    Yeah, using nudged rotators is a pain. I usually save the nudging for last when I'm working on a project.

    8.3 years ago