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Idea sugestion

1,943 Irmantas69  8.2 years ago

Now i have a problem which anoys me.
I want to make it able to upload planes with mods, but for people who wants it to download, there has to be a group where will wroten which mods does that creation requires. For now i cant upload my airplane, if i remove those parts the aircraft doesnt look that good and it becomes unstable.
P.S. I houpe you understand me.

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    @Irmantas69 you can't upload it? If so, you need to save it, dissable mods, log-in in game, re-enable mods, load your plane from saves, and then upload.

    8.2 years ago
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    1,943 Irmantas69

    @EternalDarkness problem i have that i cant upload that plane. And if i remove those mod parts my plane becomes unstable...

    8.2 years ago
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    There is a part in the airplanes specs that tells you what mods are used. It only appears when your plane has moded parts

    8.2 years ago