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Can the Moderators Please Explain?

9,652 EnderWiggin  8.2 years ago

I have been reporting on users who copy other players builds and:
A: Claim to have built the vehicle themselves, or
B: Claim to be "backing up" other players work.
I report these posters because I know how hard I work on my vehicles (over 120 original posts), and assume every other user works just as hard, and deserve to NOT have their work stolen. Plus, isn't it against the rules? Lets see: 'if your variation does not offer any improvements over the existing airplane, then it may be removed'. But alas, these posts have not been taken down; despite the fact that I have not only reported these posters, but commented on the theif with moderators and original builder tagged. What's going on? I have been told in the past not to "harass" these theives by calling them out, but what are my options when the Mods don't take action? I have chosen not to call out the specific posters in this forum (they know who they are), to avoid that whole "harassment" thing, but please take action when these posts are called out. Anyway, I'll keep reporting and just hope things change.

Q: Is there a specific Mod/Dev that is responsible for removing these posts?
Q: Is the reporting function even monitored?

Thanks to all Devs and Mods for all your hard work.

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    its kinda like Disney land, it looks effortless but really its timing and hard work @TheLatentImage

    8.1 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    @TheLatentImage @Monarch Literally every moderator here is nice to you unless you are'nt nice too them, and even when you are not they are typically forgiving.

    8.2 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    The mods DO take action. But there is a ton of users on this site and they don't have all the time in the world. The reporting function is monitored.

    8.2 years ago
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    7,870 RealQcan

    @EnderWiggin yeah. No clue at all.

    8.2 years ago
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    9,652 EnderWiggin

    No clue what they are talking about, but I wouldn't engage with them. Mods or stern on occasion with certain difficult users, but as you can tell, they are more likely to not participate in some conversations (this one for instance) than to be mean and scary. Bans and upload deletions are done for a reason in my experience.

    8.2 years ago
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    7,870 RealQcan

    @Monarch What have they done to you? Mods are not allowed to criticize people in the first place so I don't see how they don't like you.

    8.2 years ago
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    7,870 RealQcan

    @TheLatentImage @Monarch okay first of all, I've only been on this site for a few weeks now and the mods are always nice and not lazy. They almost always say something on your posts.

    8.2 years ago
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    1,535 humangrenade

    @TheLatentImage the source code! is the source code?

    8.2 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    ? @tuco

    8.2 years ago
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    10.1k tuco

    @TheLatentImage i see xD just funny

    8.2 years ago
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    @tuco no, I believe it was removed automatically due to the high number of reports. But it was me who temp banned that guy.

    8.2 years ago
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    10.1k tuco

    @TheLatentImage Lol btw was that you that removed that "Fword" plane i tagged you in

    8.2 years ago
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    @Monarch I would love to see some examples of your claim that the moderators on this sight have not been "nice people".

    It isn't our job to create forum games. And myself along with the other mods have conversations with the community all the time. So I'm quote confused as to how you have arrived at your conclusion.

    8.2 years ago
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    10.1k tuco

    @TheLatentImage i know there not

    8.2 years ago
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    @tuco I don't think @EnderWiggin is in the wrong here, as his post and comments are more inquisitive and not so much accusational.

    8.2 years ago
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    10.1k tuco

    @CALVIN232 you put him in a corner

    8.2 years ago
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    10.1k tuco

    @TheLatentImage these mods do their absolute best and are not lazy, you take them for granted @EnderWiggin

    8.2 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    Yeah sorry I was trying to get the idea out before I forgot anything I mean the idea would take some work in designing but once it's up it would run itself @EnderWiggin

    8.2 years ago
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    9,652 EnderWiggin

    You can always write a suggestion post in the forums, but I'm willing to bet a visual successor interface and a part/subassembly tracking system would require a lot of work. However, I think the idea of hiring more Mods is a great idea. BTWs, without punctuation, your posts can get pretty tough to read.

    8.2 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    Could you forward the idea to them? @TheLatentImage

    8.2 years ago
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    @CALVIN232 none of that is up to me, that stuff is the developers call.

    8.2 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    Quick question if there is so much to do why not recruit some more mods I could recommend a few people who seem willing and worthy of such task of helping you could also add a part successor system this will show up as yellow on the gray pictures showing clearly what has been changed if a anything has be changed it would be more clear and if a successor is completely gray it means that nothing has changed this would save time as exact copies would be found almost instantly the part successor could show in a different colour parts that were sub assembles and it would show in the description automatically which parts came from were not only would this eliminate people from getting around the successor system but it would also make it a lot easier for makers to credit as they may have forgot were they got a part from and with the parts system it wouldn't matter as credit would be automatically given @TheLatentImage

    8.2 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    Hey dude btw a qwick note unlisted planes accoreding to a few mods who said it at the time of me asking did say that if a plane is unlisted then it is fine as no one but the poster can see it or more to the point as squirrel said at the time there isn't a gain from it over then having it easier to find on the site rather than having it saved on your device note at the time of me asking was a bit back (at least a mouth)

    8.2 years ago
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    @EnderWiggin Yeah,

    8.2 years ago
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    @EnderWiggin thanks buddy, and we will work on processing reported designs more quickly.

    8.2 years ago
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