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In-Flight Failures

2,636 Phaz3Shift  8.3 years ago

In-Flight failures can happen anytime, anywhere and can easily end in disaster. However, these failures bring out the best in a pilot. So, I would like to know...

What kinds of failures have you experienced? SimplePlanes, Rise of Flight, War Thunder... Whatever, just as long as it's got a level of realism! Real life is more than fine, too, for fellow pilots!

It's okay to brag a little, but please, avoid trying to one-up each other!

Let me think of mine...

My second time going up for flight instruction, the alternator in our little Cessna 150 failed and the battery was just about dead, so we had to shut off all nonessential electronics so we would have our radio when we were coming back in the traffic pattern. Heh, we had to scream to each other over the engine, but it was still a good flight! We still got to do some fun maneuvers.

Flying a Piper Cub, the trim locked up somewhere in the up position, so I had to hold tons of forward pressure on the stick. Not serious, but definitely annoying and since I wasn't sure what caused it, I didn't know if maybe something in the tail was loose. Turns out that when the plane was restored in the past, someone used a crimp to close the cable and that got stuck in the pulley.

Then, not long ago, flying with an instructor to do a check out in a 172, we did a simulated engine failure. Instructor pulled the power back unexpectedly and told me to find a place to land. Best glide, find a landing site... No problem. When we were down and we had the chosen site made, I pushed the power in, the engine picked up and went all the way up to redline, then started sputtering. I immediately pulled the power back to where the engine ran smoothest. So, the engine's sitting there idling getting cold, then the power gets added. Sounds like a case of overcooling, right? So, the fuel probably just wasn't atomizing enough and the engine just had to warm up. The instructor scolded me and pushed the power all the way back up, making the engine sputter again! I followed the coast up and down to gain altitude in case I had to ditch since the beaches were crowded, watching the cowl shake like it was made of rubber. We made it to the airport and landed, and it occurred to me only later that the instructor didn't even realize we were having engine trouble!

In Rise of Flight, some Archie burst in between the wings a small distance out, broke the struts on my Albatros D.II, and the wings started to peel away. So, I killed the engine to stop the vibration and did a very gentle glide over the lines and landed safely in friendly territory. I also lost a big chunk of the wing in another flight and did the same thing.

I'm sure I had more, but I can't remember any of them....

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    2,636 Phaz3Shift

    @Stickman Wow, that's crazy! Yeah, getting the brakes to release while the engine is running is pretty sketchy for obvious reasons! Fortunately, it was a grass strip, and that helps. It sounds like he's had the issue before. Either that, or you got lucky! Last thing anybody would want is to watch his plane take off without him, and especially with a passenger trapped inside and helpless!

    There's a famous video with a Cessna that someone prop started, and it's trying to take off and the pilot's holding onto the strut as the plane spins in a circle. The poor passenger had no idea what to do!

    Your passage reminded me of that.

    8.3 years ago
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    2,636 Phaz3Shift

    @RedstoneAeroAviation Yeah, cabin fires are bad news! Any fire on a plane is bad news!

    8.3 years ago
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    5,517 one

    Cabin fire (smokes) Xplane10

    8.3 years ago