I wish engines could give off actual thrust, meaning that they would blow air.
This means that we cannot do many things, such as channeling thrust, or something like the Custer Channel Wing.
The maker of this plane realized that the lift the aircraft achieved was not by the velocity of the aircraft, but the velocity of the air. He used a concept that worked to rather get faster air to move across the control surfaces, rather than to get the plane to go fast. This allowed the plane to fly at 8mph, if conditions were right.
Not just channeling thrust, but
No game as of yet can do this.
If you were to look at the evidence I made
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation I found that out a while ago
@DandruffCat that there basically is no air?
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation What do you mean?
You don't know that???
@MechWARRIOR57 Yes, but it does not fly as it should. 20mph was the max for takeoff in the poorest atmospheric conditions.
Try it
you do know someone already made this lol