Can some one make a air craft that can land on the USS beast please
2,470 Smasher
8.3 years ago
Can some one make a air craft that can land on the USS beast please
@LatteCoffee55 iv crash landed on it and it never said discovered any ideas ?
@Smasher yes it is
@LatteCoffee55 ?
@LatteCoffee55 by the way is the USS beast discoverable
@LatteCoffee55 any way about 80 more pilot's went to Dave Jones locker
@LatteCoffee55 haha I retired from the Russian military over 15 years ago
@Smasher i tried, i dont have anything against russian people im just kinda afraid of russia please dont declare war on us
@LatteCoffee55 try the song party like a Russian its a great song
@LatteCoffee55 I just avoid talk like a Russian just in case someone hasn't got a clue on what I say
@LatteCoffee55 yes comrade I am a Russian infact I'm proud to be Russian
@Smasher yeah i listen to music. Btw u from russia?
@LatteCoffee55 here's a link
@LatteCoffee55 do you like listening to music while you build ?
@LatteCoffee55 I have I'm a pilot with deathly skill
@Smasher Well the best thing is to take some airplane like some of the stock ones and put a ton of airbrakes and parachutes to it.
@LatteCoffee55 and my fastest speed was 85 mph
@LatteCoffee55 after I tried about ten times to down load it finally got it to work but I managed to get in the air and about 50 pilot's went to Davey Jones locker
@Smasher oh? Thats odd
@LatteCoffee55 nope I tried I don't have the beta
@Smasher cant you download it? since the beta was thing like 5 months ago
@LatteCoffee55 it requires the beta
here @Smasher
@LatteCoffee55 shure do you think they should add a VTOL tutorial? But yeah I'd try it
@Smasher oh... I have one vtol copter thing if you wanna try