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Gold, thanks and another thanks

6,335 GoblinDynamics  8.2 years ago

So... Gold now eh? Guys, really, thank you. I honestly never thought I would see the day... I remember when I would check my account and see 0 on something someone on an Android would spend hours on, and did. After seeing those, I had really considered just leaving and not coming back. But I kept posting and posting because I know that there were still people that are loyal to me... But no matter what I posted it showed no avail. On the verge of quitting, I had decided to take a break, maybe let my skills rest for a bit, a reset... After maybe a month, I had finally posted again, a few upvotes here and there, a bit of a change. Then, mods came out, I had immediately decided to explore the tab, if I saw Android in a link, I was downloading it... I had to be better... for you guys... I had made my first post that incorporated the help of a mod... a strike , and a spark was born. Highlights, I had seen it in my notifications and I immediately felt like I could do a backflip, I was elated! I saw that I had got more upvotes than I would ever expect from it, so I kept posting, and it kept happening. Every time I posted a new vehicle I couldn't stop smiling, just to see those comments and downloads, after my break from SimplePlanes I had stopped caring about upvotes, although I would be lying if I said it wasn't a nice addition. After a little bit, here we are... So thank you, really. I'll be posting something else as a thanks later on, and once again, thank you.