I know it is MY profile picture, but I can't decide which one I like better!
Logo #1:
Logo #2:
Or, do you think I should remove the "Planes and More" part?
Thank you guys for all the support and if you answer!
I know it is MY profile picture, but I can't decide which one I like better!
Logo #1:
Logo #2:
Or, do you think I should remove the "Planes and More" part?
Thank you guys for all the support and if you answer!
Thanks. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
@Verterium im so sorry for taking long ;-; heres link it's 768x768 1:1 should work
@Verterium What program did you use?
I like both of them but the second one is more eye catching so #2
Yeah it doesn't. Can you resize the second one please? @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
The second one, without planes and more.
@Verterium can I do it for you?
@Verterium doesn't gravatar "automatically" resize images? Dammit.
I suck at it :/
I had to make the image so small that it was super super pixelated. Or st least, that's what I thought I did. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
@Verterium usage paint!
@Verterium :3333
Thanks for helping me! @MrSilverWolf @Temmie @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Second one pls
Just do the V logo on the first ok ne
They both don't fit. @bspboy
1 would fit better.
I like the second one best
@Ctracerx2 If you can (just right click and save to whatever folder), can you resize it for me? Obviously I suck at this stuff...also I have to go. If you can't it's fine I'll find some way or I just won't have a profile picture, but if you can, thank you so much!
@Ctracerx2 I tried that, but it has to be so small that it just makes it super super pixelated, even if I try to fix it. I also don't know how to use paint that well.
@Ctracerx2 @CrazyCodeC Nevermind. It doesn't matter anyway. Gravatar won't fit an image that big. This is pretty stupid. I spent quite a while making both of those images, and come to find out they won't fit and I can't resize them.
@Ctracerx2 @CrazyCodeC Thanks for the feedback!
I like the second one