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Race car frame

15 Dakgab1998  8.3 years ago

I need a tool cage with suspension already on it please

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    107k Kerbango

    Make your own roll cage use a fuselage put the size down to 25 + 25 + circular you can adjust the length and the rise and the Run. Add section adjust that a little differently . play with that you'll see what I mean. Move the cockpit if you have to and mirror it to the other side and then you got half and then you can join them in the center using more of the fuselage sizes.

    8.3 years ago
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    @Kerbango thank you I will do I am still new and learning how to build and such

    8.3 years ago
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    107k Kerbango

    Find one that you like using the search, download it and dis-assemble everything but what you want, move the cockpit around to grab what you want. Use undo if you mess up. This might or might not work ultimately, as your suspension will need to be tweaked anyways depending on the size and weight. My suggestion is to save pieces off of other cars in the sub assemblies.

    8.3 years ago