Spring: 2032
With the factions all agreeing to meet. In a council room over the winter. They all agreed to this: To move out of the real world. Nobody will continue invading the real world and they settled on war limits. The F.F.W.I have joined forces to the same goal. And all the army's and militaries reset. It's season two, get ready, hold on to your socks. It's a whole new ball park now, ready too join the fight? TBC...
(I) F.F.W.I- PlaneLover
, Marcox43,
(I) Bandit army (Pirates)- KingDeadshot
, IHateLava123isacommunist, PlaneDestroyer666,
(I) Maywar- Patrick20206
(I) (Sidus) Snowstone- PINK
(3P) D.A.- Exosuit
(C) Frostbite mercs- Captainfrosty
(I) Yeager- Sirbalistic321
(3P) Sky Park City- WorldClassMods
(3P) PUG empire- Master Assassin Pugly
(3P) South North American Army- Sniper16
- No nukes. They are outlawed in the RP, using nukes are a auto disqualify.
- Be civil.
- If you are a company, the limits are:
1,000 troops, 200 normal planes, 20 jet planes, 40 tanks, 75 drones, 30 destroyers/carriers, 50 speedboats. - If you are a third party country the the limits are:
3,000 troops, 500 normal planes, 50 jet planes, 60 tanks, 100 drones, 65 Destroyers/carriers, 70 speedboats. - If you are a island, country limits are:
5,000 troops, 700 normal planes, 70 jet planes, 85 tanks, 150 drones, 80 destroyers/carriers, 80 speedboats. - Should these limits be broken, then you will be disqualified from the fight (and lose!)
- If you are a island then you can only directly attack other islands, you can defend yourself as needed, but you cannot attack third world country/Company directly (You can defend allies in combat).
- If you leave or change factions, whatever military power you had in the war goes with you.
- For winning battles you get stronger in military power, for losing, you decrease in power.
- Jet’s are worth a lot more, due to dwindling resources, normal planes are prop planes. (WW2 styled planes)
- you want to create a third party countries, you can, you can claim modded islands as turf (even if you can’t download mods). But you can no longer make imaginary islands. Or use SimpleContinent.
- You can make two companies loyal to your faction max. Those can attack other nation (3P factions) directly.
Final notes
This is S2 in the RP, anything done in Season one will be discarded, also, as I said in the discord server. Previous episode stats were lost. So if your name isn’t where it is supposed to be, I apologize. Be sure to tell me so I can correct it. Thanks! Last thing; notice the little tags for the island factions in the parentheses. If your faction says (3P) That means it is a Third faction party. If it say’s (C) It means your faction is a Company. If your faction has a (I) next to it. It means the faction is of island status. Just those tags help establish the limit’s of your faction, and if your name is red
then your the leader of the faction. Good luck!
You should be able to rejoin. @Planelover123
@kds I got banned from the back up server
@Epicnesssssssss What did you say?
Ok then... @Sniper16
Ok though, they will be randomly placed somewhere in the ocean though, close to Maywar. @Sniper16
You don't need to mention sombody on their own post. @Sniper16
Ok. @Sniper16
Ok. @WorldClassMods
I am going to overlook the real world country and entry you as a third party country. @Sniper16
Nothing radioactive is allowed, unless it is nuclear powered, amd nuke power can't melt down in this RP. @Omlet
I'm skypark
@KDS hiding a pool of water or constantly saturating land under an enemy base will cause a sinkhole, snowstone, an explosive will cause an avalanche and taking out anti-aircraft turrets, rendering it a paperweight, giving you a chance to bomb it. plenty of possibilities!
@KDS pumping natural gas into bases then setting it off with an incendiary grenade or a Molotov will blow up a whole island the size of krakabloa
@KDS and meltdowns? 50 ton dynamite bundled with a firework rope? Cluster bombs, besides, its a hydro bomb, not a nuclear bomb.
No. Nothing in the nuclear bomb family is allowed. (Nuclear power is allowed, but no Hydrogen bombs or nukes). @Omlet
what about hydrogen bombs? They're similar, if not, stronger than a nuke.
It says "Don't make alternate accounts to upvote your own stuff." I'm not upvoting my own stuff. It doesn't say no alternate accounts, period. I'm in the clear right now. Plus what @Patrick20206 said.
They never did... @ESIOTROT121
@ESIOTROT121 He deleted his account before, now he has kind of restarted his account.