Hi. Its about 1 month ago i started a buil of the D4Y2 and the problem is that i don't know how to create a bombbay. (I don't understand how gizmos work in this game). Someone can explain and help me ?
Hi. Its about 1 month ago i started a buil of the D4Y2 and the problem is that i don't know how to create a bombbay. (I don't understand how gizmos work in this game). Someone can explain and help me ?
@LatteCoffee55 Thanks :)
@Mainblocks yes, I can help you to make that
@LatteCoffee55 I want a specific version like in the P1Y1 ginga here : https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/s6cTjs/Kuugisho-P1Y1-ginga-v1-1
@Mainblocks Well I can help you with the bomb bay. And it is actually kinda hard to explain how they work the best way for me was to make some random creation and put rotators and hinges and see how they work and what those could be used
@LatteCoffee55 Both, i need to understand theses rotators (gizmo) for creating a bomb bay.
So you need help on the bomb bay or understanding the gizmos?