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I think I'm Done

8,660 Deloreandude  8.2 years ago

I don't know what im gonna do...really. It's been a really...really tough year. I kept thinking "just make it to December, it will be better, trust yourself" and unfortunately i dont think i find that true. I've lost a lot in the past few months; My grades are constantly depreciating, i've lost about 3/4 of my friends, My pet that i've had for about 9 years is dead, and i think im losing my mind here. I've been more depressed than i've ever felt in the past few days, and i've tried to repair myself with advice but none of it helped. Video games have crippled me, they have simply just taken everything out of me. They are excellent for education and many other things, but they can just take so much time away. They can hurt your grades, horribly.... I almost just walked out of class the other day because of my raging frustration and the fact i've had one of the lowest grades i've seen, but i thought about what i would be throwing away. Any advice that you can give would be welcome, i just fear that it wont help. I dont know if i will be back, i just know that im done for now. I'm sorry, guys, I really am.

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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @Odge thank you very much, that means a lot. Hopefully it will get better, the end of the second nine weeks is near, so I will get sort of a fresh new start

    8.1 years ago
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    20.1k Odge

    I am going to Pray for you, that the coming year will be much better for you. That you will have peace, and that you retain the information in your head for any exams and things like that you have coming up, But above all that you find peace, in all of life's rollercoaster ride, also that you find the best friend you need, you never need loads but you do need quality. And that you have the resilience to endure because who ever got anywhere by giving up? All the very best and God bless you. And I mean this.


    8.1 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @Fishbowl1121 I probably will, this sort of depression in my life hopefully will come to an end soon. Over Christmas break i definitely will be uploading stuff.

    8.2 years ago
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    Forget everything that can be a distraction. Just try to get school stuff done. And focus on what's important for your future

    8.2 years ago
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    Just focus on school and get your life back together. I know what your going through. Just please do try to get your stuff together, do you understand?

    8.2 years ago
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    8,812 Verterium

    That is what I am doing. When it is summer, I will do posts ever week or 4 days. But for now, I need to focus on school. I'm pretty sure I failed my Spanish exam, mostly because she gave me two minutes to say about 40 sentences, that I didn't even study for because she didn't tell us to study for that stuff, but back to you, school is more important than video games. Take some time off, improve your grades and Got to get some friends back, and then come back to us on SP. I hope everything works out for you.

    8.2 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    Take all the time you need, school comes first, good luck! @Deloreandude

    8.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @PilotOfFuture Thank you, i appreciate your advice.

    8.2 years ago
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    8,660 Deloreandude

    @BlazeQuartz Im not completely blaming gaming on my life problems. Gaming isnt why my pet died or why i lost friends, its just something that got in the way of my writing, drawing, and school work

    8.2 years ago
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    Take a break, get your life back on track. Video games aren't the only problem, you need to regulate the time spent on them so you don't waste you life on them, good luck in life. If you need to quit games, your choice, just don't completely blame gaming on your life problems.

    8.2 years ago
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    Good luck for whatever you will do

    8.2 years ago
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    Well, i think it's a good choise. School and friends are more important than games, i felt that when they hit my grades...
    I recommend to learn more for school for some time, and later you can be here again, that helped me alot, i really felt better after that.

    8.2 years ago