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Soviet Flying Submarine?

105k RailfanEthan  8.2 years ago

Why hasn't anyone built this?


It's basicly a submergable airplane, thought up in WW2, but never built. Thoughts?

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    It was never built because of two main reasons. Number one: The plane was too slow (max air speed 100 knots aprox and max underwater speed 3 knots aprox). Number two: It couldn't take off for some reason, meaning it failed completely as a plane. It was also quite heavy in controls, so, even if it managed to take off, it could be outmaneuvered by almost all enemy fighter planes of it's time (e.g Messerchmitt Bf109, A6M2 Zeros, and, later on, F86 Sabres, F82 Twin Mustangs, etc. Also, If it somehow managed to take off and have better maneuverability, it still wouldn't be good enough to face other fighters. If the project had ended with Ushakov's plane being adopted by the navy or air force, it would have probably entered service by the early fifties, which was bad, since fast jet aircraft became increasingly common, meaning it would be really hard to down any enemy aircraft since they could just increase throttle by a tiny bit and speed away. It wouldn't have worked as a submarine neither, because it was so slow it would run out of fuel various times before even reaching enemy territory and would take days, maybe even weeks to do so. It's extremely low water speed also meant it could be easily defeated by other submarines, corvettes, anti-submarine ships, etc. So, though it sounded and looked cool, it wouldn't be good at all @RailfanEthan

    5.5 years ago
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    30 Gera

    I think it is awesome!

    5.7 years ago
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    10.2k MegaFox

    Ya, I think it’s russian, they thought of lots of thing, like a flying tank, a Flying Fortress. And yah

    5.9 years ago
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    this will give trump ideas for mexico ppl

    6.7 years ago
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    32.3k CRJ900Pilot

    But y though?

    8.1 years ago
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    501 Aerobako

    Wow, in my opinion, that's pretty gosh darn ugly.

    8.2 years ago
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    2,308 horatio

    Here it is

    8.2 years ago
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    interesting idea

    8.2 years ago
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    2,689 Swiftsure

    If you give plane diving suit and Plunge into ocean that's what it looks like

    8.2 years ago
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    1,006 Mellons

    Looks vary impractical

    8.2 years ago
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    21.4k RedHawk

    Ermergersh it's genius

    8.2 years ago