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7,281 Dovahkiin420  8.2 years ago

I need help with a plane I'm building, it flies fine just, when pitching too sharply, it explodes. If you're interested in helping me, just tell me in the comments and I'll tag oh on an unlisted post.

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    Just a simple idea:
    The max agngle of the control surface is 35°
    Maybe it works better is you set it to 20°?

    8.2 years ago
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    8,812 Verterium

    If you have parts that rotate up into the fuselage (custom landing gear), make sure the wheels have part collision removed, otherwise it might go through the fuselage, but when they turn to the side and gravity pulls on them, they start rapidly shaking causing the fuselage to explode. If that isn't it, I'll try to remember to check it out tomorrow.

    8.2 years ago
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    8,812 Verterium

    Yeah sure I can help...but I can't actually play now.

    8.2 years ago