Alright so I've made a car and it needs some weight reduced from the top as it's too top heavy and flips extremely easy. I will have a link in the comments please help!
Alright so I've made a car and it needs some weight reduced from the top as it's too top heavy and flips extremely easy. I will have a link in the comments please help!
@RedHawk xml
@LatteCoffee55 thanks! I got the lights to work but is there any way to set the rotator s and the beacons on the headlight to landing gear so they come on and the flip out when I press landing gear?
@RedHawk usually it helps with the suspension if you take the shock out and puti ita back or if that doesnt work pust small fuselage block on top of the shock and if that doesnt work take that fuselage block out and put it back AND if that doesnt work you can use these
@LatteCoffee55 ok ill fiddle around with the light and the suspension doesn't really do anything so ill just disable the hinge ;p thanks for your help
@RedHawk and nope
@RedHawk i can help you with that but sadly tomorrow
@LatteCoffee55 the rear suspension wasn't connected?
@LatteCoffee55 yeah the lights would be awesome but I think that's above my skill. I'm not very good with xml and nudging
@RedHawk hmmm..... atleast that rear suspension wasnt connected and those flipping lights would be really nice
@LatteCoffee55 thank you so much! What ya think, any improvements you think that could be made?
here i removed some weight from the top and added some to the bottom
@LatteCoffee55 could you help me on this?