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Weird physics

598 kampfer  8.1 years ago

Just a disclaimer I love this game but does anyone else here with flying experience sometimes get confused by the simplified physics that this games has when you try to fly it like a real plane?

It's just a friendly discussion, but off the top of my head these are a few things that definitely struck me!

1) Secondary effects of roll and yaw are not existent here, the rudder makes the plane side slip without a roll moment, crosswind landings would be real easy if real planes flies this way!

2) Asymmetry in engine thrust makes the plane go into an uncontrollable spin which isn't recoverable, this bugs me a lot when trying some of the more crudely designed planes :x.

3) Lack of ground effect, this definitely affected many of my landings when I considered for something that isn't there and exploded the plane!

4) Flaps doesn't really do what it's supposed to do, reduce your approach speed by increasing your lift and creating more drag. Many designs function as Pesudo elevators that gives your plane a pitch up moment or act like spoilers, creating drag. It's more of a aesthetic thing I reckon but still!

Does anyone have more of this quirks that they've noticed?

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    @kampfer 100% true. But devs don't update physics i don't know why.

    I also need became pilot.

    What you think about SR2 SR2 have more realistic physics ?

    5.1 years ago
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    598 kampfer

    I realized another quirk but it's more about how the software registers part count and drag. On some beautifully designed planes the drag it has is downright amusing, you can lose half your speed in seconds by just bring back the throttle. It makes it pretty hard to fly the plane normally as you often can't trade potential energy for speed. In fact you can be pointed 90 degrees down and still be slowing down without throttle!

    8.1 years ago
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    598 kampfer

    @SazonAir Yes I am aware that sweptback wings have that effect VS straight wings. I was actually referring to variable sweep wings, where going to sweptback actually reduces your top speed. I've noticed it in a couple of highly voted designs with variable sweep already. :). The lack of ground effect is more related to terrain closure than the landing gear itself, although there are some are badly designed.. To put it differently, imagine a large plane descending at 500fpm towards the threshold. When it goes below 100 feet the ground effect acts as a cushion of air if you will. There is a marginal amount of flaring so that you reduce the rate of descent and ensure the main wheels touch down first. If you overdo it, you will float down half the length of the runway of even start climbing again. This effect isn't very prevalent in the game as you often need to flare considerably or you will slam into the ground. Granted we are all test pilots here in a way as we are not flying any published speed so technique and luck does play a large part!

    8.1 years ago
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    598 kampfer

    @OverlordAeronautics2 You guys might be right about the physics issue. It works fine on high, although my phone doesn't!

    @ChiChiWerx You are right about the supersonic effects, swept wings doesn't really reduce the drag, in some builds the top speed actually reduces when u sweep the wings back. That does make me recall another issue, I think the controls start to go crazy above FL400? Maybe the plane goes past crit mach, but it's also really hard to recover from. This would all be theoretical though! The plane I co-pilots only flies to 0.85 Mach so I have no idea of actual supersonic flight. Hopefully someone here are way more experienced then I am.

    8.1 years ago
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    30.3k ChiChiWerx

    Rudder induced roll does occur in SP, but I fly on high physics, so you might want to check that. Agree with other points, though. Additional gripe: lack of supersonic effects! Straight and swept wings fly the same way provided they're of the same area 🤔

    8.1 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    It is really hard to get flaps and yaw to work how they do irl, but its possible. Most of the flaps on my planes are 100% ascetic, but after a lot of hard work I was able too get flaps and slats working.

    8.1 years ago
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    I can say that all of my replicas follow all known laws of phisics. That being said your first observation is false as I alwayse encounter secondary physics with roll and yaw. Some of my planes can't sustain inverted flight. I think you should try to fly one of my planes to find out for yourselfe.

    8.1 years ago