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Christmas for the military

441 VisableAce217  8.2 years ago

As we celebrate Christmas around the world and throughout religions we also need to think about those serving countries. Those who are deployed in hostile countries may not have the time to celebrate as they are fighting ,flying ,or driving. I am a strong supporter of the Military so therefore i would like to hear if you have been in the military or if you have any stories. If you have served the U.S. I would love to hear your rank and branch of the military. To those who might be serving currently and are reading this Thank you for your service.

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    Yes, they do give them time to celebrate but still it would kind of suck to still have to be on watch for ISIS (guard towers) the military can't just let there guard down @KnightOfAraluen

    8.2 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate
    8.2 years ago
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    As for a story, my grandpa was an engineer in the Army during the Vietnam war, and after being in the Army moved to the Air Force as an aircraft engineer.

    8.2 years ago
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    I am very sure that the U.S. military gives all of their soldiers time to celebrate christmas. Gifts from family members and even strangers help them through the tough times. They are also provided a gaming system.

    8.2 years ago
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    On December 23rd 1914, fighting raged on in the western front. Both sides were dug in. Just passed midnight on the 24th, both sides laid down there arms. They met in the middle of no mans land, and exchanged gifts, and celebrated Christmas in an unofficial cease fire, that lasted for three more days.

    8.2 years ago