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Jundroo War RP, Non-cannon story: Commander, Mark "Nail" Oreo

6,368 KDS  8.2 years ago

Fall, 2030

WARNING: Very long episode!


My name is Commander Mark Oreo, I command the 460th unit in the Maywar army but everyone on the unit calls me Nails, (The boys like to tease of the time a theif stabbed me in the leg with a rusty nail for one of my "fancy medals") or Commander, which is my job. Our latest mission was simple: Drive a convoy armed with supply's to a blockade siege on a Snowstone fort on Wright, from our secret base, then invade the fort and fly a Maywar flag over the fort. We departed at 0500 hours in the morning, a tad brisk for everyones taste but the higher ups insisted it helps with keeping down with radar detection. We were about half way there when at 0645 hours I heard the sounds of jet and prop engines from the front in my AA tank. I have been around long enough to sound what friendly engines sound like. These weren't friendly. I quickly sounded the alarm to the convoy and sent out the distress signal. I armed up in the turret and got to see several Snowstone styled bombers right over us. I quickly opened fire. The rest was a blur and everything quickly went black. I awoke at around 1220 hours in a small makeshift looking tent, the unit medic, Scythe, hovering over me. "It amazes me your still alive" He says. "What the heck happened?" I asked. "Snowstone Bombing raid, A small cluster blew half your tank into dust. Lucky you were thrown from the blast." He shrugged. "Convoy sept' for one truck is gone by the way, managed to salvage some supplies." He added. All of a sudden, a barbaric scream rippled in the air. I jumped up, ignoring the ringing in my head, and rushed out the tent despite Scythes protects to see what was happening. Outside it appears only my unit survived, a lot us banged up. There was a ring of tents and in the center of a tent, a huge metal stake that looked strangely like either a bent tank barrel, or a propellor. There was a person tied up on the center, his shirt was removed to reveal he was beaten half to h€ll and two of out privates were standing there, one had a metal stick and he was beating the poor man. Scythe walked and gasped "You managed to shoot down a pilot before your tank blew, he survived and they have ben trying to get info out of him for a hour now. Enraged, I walked up to the private with the stick, Spoon was what we called him when he threw a spoon at Scythe for trying to bandage a gash in his leg one time. I marched up to Spoon, grabbed the spit and smacked his in the gut with it. "WHAT THE F$&$ Nail!?" He screeched. "We don't torture war prisoners without a generals consent, and you don't have consent!!" I screeched. "Now get out of my way or Scythe will need to patch you up two!". Spoon turned pale and ran like i've never seen him run before. I looked at the man, he laughed weakly. His voice was dry, "You do realize I was free of my bonds half an hour ago?" And with a quick burst of movement, he quickly jumped up and knocked me to the ground, he grabbed the handgun out of my belt (which I though was lost in the explosion) and he looked me in the eye. "You will never win" he said, he laughed then turned the gun to his own head. He pulled the trigger, I never even heard the shot I was so shocked. I watched as the sducidal enemy's dead body collapsed over me. I forced his body off me. Scythe and the other private who was standing there the whole time, Duct, looked in horror. I got to my feet, I was in charge, and I had orders to give to my unit if we were to get out of this alive. TBC...


(I) F.F.W.I- PlaneLover, Marcox43,

(I) Bandit army (Pirates)- KingDeadshot, IHateLava123isacommunist, PlaneDestroyer666,

(I) Maywar- Patrick20206

(I) (Sidus) Snowstone- PINK

(3P) D.A.- Exosuit

(3P) Artstoksa- Cerdon,

(C) Frostbite mercs- Captainfrosty

(I) Yeager- Sirbalistic321,ErvenDynamics,

(3P) Sky Park City- WorldClassMods,

(3P) PUG empire- Master Assassin Pugly

(3P) South North American Army- Sniper16,


  1. No nukes. They are outlawed in the RP, using nukes are a auto disqualify.
  2. Be civil.
  3. If you are a company, the limits for active units are:
    1,000 troops, 200 normal planes, 20 jet planes, 40 tanks, 75 drones, 30 destroyers/carriers, 20 speedboats, 35 bombers.
  4. If you are a third party country the the limits for active are:
    3,000 troops, 500 normal planes, 50 jet planes, 60 tanks, 100 drones, 65 Destroyers/carriers, 30 speedboats, 49 bombers.
  5. If you are a island, country limits for active units are:
    5,000 troops, 700 normal planes, 70 jet planes, 85 tanks, 150 drones, 80 destroyers/carriers, 45 speedboats, 70 bombers.
    Just multiply those limits by 2 for total limits of what you can own.
  6. Should these limits be broken, then you will be disqualified from the fight (and lose!)
  7. If you are a island then you can only directly attack other islands, you can defend yourself as needed, but you cannot attack third world country/Company directly (You can defend allies in combat).
  8. If you leave or change factions, whatever military power you had in the war goes with you.
  9. For winning battles you get stronger in military power, for losing, you decrease in power.
  10. Jet’s are worth a lot more, due to dwindling resources, normal planes are prop planes. (WW2 styled planes)
  12. you want to create a third party countries, you can, you can claim modded islands as turf (even if you can’t download mods). But you can no longer make imaginary islands. Or use SimpleContinent.
  13. You can make two companies loyal to your faction max. Those can attack other nation (3P factions) directly.

Final notes

Well, this was one wall of text. I congratulate who actually read the whole thing. This was a non cannon episode of my RP (not part of the official storyline and is just a little made up story) and if you want to be fighting in the actual cannon (official storyline) then be sure to join up now! I will make a part two later. Hope you liked this!