At the moment, I'm building a DC-3, and one in f the problems with it now is that at speeds of over 135MPH, it pitches up uncontrollably because I have wings that are angled at 10° for realism of looks. But it severally effects flight. So what I'm going to do is make the wings upside down and set them to Flat bottom. But it would be far too hard to physically do it. I have fine tuner and the overload mod. Could you tell me how to do this plz?
How do I make a Wing upside down without actually turning it around?
235k jamesPLANESii
8.2 years ago
Yep! Pretty close! @Swiftsure
@jamesPLANESii 3000 til platinum. So close... And checking out dc3
Have you got it? @Himynameiswalrus
@jamesPLANESii I can handle it
It has 249 parts. @Himynameiswalrus
How exactly does it act uncontrollable. Tag me on an unlisted version so I can help