I have an interest in zeppelins and other airships and I think it'd be really awesome to include airships into this game. Afterall, y'all did add cars and such, so zeppelins shouldn't be to far of a stretch (I hope).
This could be implemented similarly to bouyency and dead weight, but instead with an adjustable amount of either hydrogen or helium.
Another thing to consider could be docking hooks for those airships, so we could launch planes from them. Just a suggestion, and I hope this will be considered in the future.
@ProKillaV12 exactly
Because hydrogen is flammable @PilotOfFuture
@PilotOfFuture Oh nice!
There is helium blocks here
And @PeytonR I'm already working on an concept for helium.
Just give me a few days and i will make it
(With xml, not with gamemod)
@PilotOfFuture huh I thought it was heavyer
@MechWARRIOR57 yes, it is. The hindenburg was using hydrogen too.
But airships do usually use helium instead af hydrogen
(Guess why)
Hydrogen is lighter than air??