Instead of just a boom how about if we could make all the parts stronger and more gunshots to take it down? So that way if we feel like we want to do a realistic accident we could! I think i speak for a few ppl when i say we need more gunshots to destroy a plane. Any questions about this?
@Spinnes Cool!
@MechWARRIOR57 I know that's what i mean by seeing them. And i know that. I mean just in my planes.
@volt0 and anyway your parents rules can't really apply to the Internet
@volt0 but your not hearing them! Your seeing them!
@MechWARRIOR57 I kinda agree but could we please try not to say things like that in my planes? Srry i'm just not allowed to hear or say them.
that kind of epic crap wont happen sadly
Nice! I'm glad it worked for you @Mellons.
@volt0 I tried it once... I didn't work out well but it did work
@Mellons I dont really know how to do that but do you?
If you ad wings around the plane but don't attach like armor the it will take one shot for each lair