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I'm getting steam!

6,368 KDS  7.9 years ago

After I finish my math test.... Yea. I have been putting that off for awhile because I despise it, but I am only going to get it after I complete that so I mow have a reason to do it (I even bought a steam card for that propose.) So if i'm inactive, i'm uber studing for it, plus its the holidays and i'm going to be enjoying them. So just thought you would br intrested if my build quality (which stinks right now) goes up.

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    7.9 years ago
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    @ProKillaV12 @Ihatelava123isacommunist @XxcreedexX I JUST BOUGHT IT!!! :)

    7.9 years ago
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    @Ihatelava123isacommunist Lol. @ProKillaV12 It's due very soon and I have put it off for a week, but I just fill it out and i'm done!

    7.9 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    Maths test? I have a 2 week christmas holiday lmao

    7.9 years ago
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    Lol! @XxcreedexX

    7.9 years ago