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Jundroo War RP, Non-cannon story: YEAGER CONQUERED!!

6,368 KDS  8.2 years ago

Summer, 2037


It was the dead of night when all heck broke loose. Out of nowhere, Snowstone, Pirate, and Maywar forces attacked Yeager, burning the airport. The Yeager leaders were shocked to be so suddenly attacked. The Snowstone and Pirate forces attacked their main base. While another Pirate General and Marwar forces "liberated" the local towns. In the end, the Yeager government was destroyed and the Pirates now control Krakabola. While tensions grow tighter among other countries. What will happen next!? TBC...


(I) F.F.W.I- PlaneLover, Marcox43,

(I) Bandit army (Pirates)- KingDeadshot, IHateLava123isacommunist, PlaneDestroyer666, Exosuit

(I) Maywar- Patrick20206

(I) (Sidus) Snowstone- PINK

(3P) Atrstoksa- Cerdon,

(3P) D.A.- Exosuit

(C) Frostbite mercs- Captainfrosty

(I) (CO) Yeager- Sirbalistic321,ErvenDynamics,

(C) V12 Industries- ProKillaV12,

(3P) Sky Park City- WorldClassMods, Venenospooderlover21,

(3P) PUG empire- Master Assassin Pugly

(3P) South North American Army- Sniper16,


  1. No nukes. They are outlawed in the RP, using nukes are a auto disqualify.
  2. Be civil.
  3. If you are a company, the limits for active units are:
    10,000 troops, 200 normal planes, 20 jet planes, 40 tanks, 75 drones, 30 destroyers/carriers, 20 speedboats, 35 bombers.
  4. If you are a third party country the the limits for active are:
    15,000 troops, 500 normal planes, 50 jet planes, 60 tanks, 100 drones, 65 Destroyers/carriers, 30 speedboats, 49 bombers.
  5. If you are a island, country limits for active units are:
    20,000 troops, 700 normal planes, 70 jet planes, 85 tanks, 150 drones, 80 destroyers/carriers, 45 speedboats, 70 bombers.
    Just multiply those limits by 2 for total limits of what you can own.
  6. Should these limits be broken, then you will be disqualified from the fight (and lose!)
  7. If you are a island then you can only directly attack other islands, you can defend yourself as needed, but you cannot attack third world country/Company directly (You can defend allies in combat).
  8. If you leave or change factions, whatever military power you had in the war goes with you.
  9. For winning battles you get stronger in military power, for losing, you decrease in power.
  10. Jet’s are worth a lot more, due to dwindling resources, normal planes are prop planes. (WW2 styled planes)
  12. you want to create a third party countries, you can, you can claim modded islands as turf (even if you can’t download mods). But you can no longer make imaginary islands. Or use SimpleContinent.
  13. You can make two companies loyal to your faction max. Those can attack other nation (3P factions) directly.

Final notes

Thanks for finally letting something happen! Sorry for the lack of episodes but nothing was happening. So sorry. Also, if you plan on joining, please be active because if you are not active on the RP without a really good excuse, then you will be put as a Observer in the Discord chat and your name will be removed from your country. Good luck! :)

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  • Profile image
    6,368 KDS

    Dude this is over a year old. @smaug

    6.9 years ago
  • Profile image
    420 smaug

    cani rule the spike thingys on yeager (rebel bases )

    6.9 years ago
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    7,870 RealQcan

    @KDS ok thanks

    8.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    6,368 KDS

    We just talk and pretend on discord that things are happening. If it was on multiplayer then the mobile users would revolt. :P but I made a bit more of a detailed (slightly long read) post on how it works. here @RealQcan

    8.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    7,870 RealQcan

    How do these really work? Is it on a multiplayer server? Do we just talk and pretend on discord?

    +1 8.1 years ago
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    @KDS thank you!

    8.1 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    Okay. @Venenospooderlover21

    8.1 years ago
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    I pledge my service to Sky Park City if that's possible, it's my favourite island. Even though i havent posted anything I think my planes are decent!

    8.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    6,368 KDS

    This is not a offical episode of the Rp. Non cannon episodes are stories based in the RP but I just made them up and didn't actually happen on the discord server. @Cerdon

    8.2 years ago
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    1,057 Cerdon

    I'm Fromm Arstozka (sorry forgo the to answer) also why does it say non cannon story @KDS

    8.2 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    Okay. @ProKillaV12

    8.2 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    Il make a company to sell weapons and vehicles call it "V12 Industries" I used to make weapons like laser guided rockets (before mods and update)@KDS

    8.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    6,368 KDS

    Well, Yeager is under Pirate control, so you would be awnsering to the Yeager leader who awnsers to the Pirate leader (me) are you okay with that? Also, you can make/sell weapons but you would have to make a company for true selling freedom. @ProKillaV12

    8.2 years ago
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    11.6k Sol

    Since im on IOS can i just make weapons for the factions?

    8.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    11.6k Sol

    Yeager cuz im on IOS lol

    8.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    6,368 KDS

    Darn sorry, I could have sworn I pit it in their. @Cerdon
    Ok, what faction are you in? @ProKillaV12

    8.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    11.6k Sol

    And im not here :(

    8.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    1,057 Cerdon


    8.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    1,057 Cerdon

    Hey you didn't out Arstozka agian. I don't necessarily mind but it's just nice to have it one their

    8.2 years ago