Does anyone know what happened to my brother, PuppyMonkey? I tried searching up his name and I couldn't find him. Did he delete his account? I asked him and he said that he said that he "outsmarted" the mods. Every Winter my two cousins come over. The 2 year old and a 12 year old. The twelve year old is really good with technology, jailbroke one of his devices without his mom knowing, and knows how to do strange stuff with his devices. I think that the 12 year old has something to do with it. Can someone help me find out if he is still out there?
This forum reminds me of the newest section
Can't seem to find the first one. Yurgle is deleted or something. @Dllama4
The other one is Yurgle. @Verterium
One is called DLLAMA4COMEFINDME. @Verterium
He has two alt accounts. @Verterium
Lol. @Verterium
You know some computer stuff, could you help?
Uh I don't know. Like a filter on shapchat? XD@Dllama4
He said he downloaded a filter. What does that mean? @Verterium
I don't know. I tried searching for his name over a week ago and it wasn't there.