This is for a prototype
I will reward 5 upvotes if this is allowed
I guess this is a easy mod but sadly im on IOS and im working on a plane that requires 0 fuel and relies only on rotators My prototype works but at very slow speeds (50mph or 60mph) which isnt enough to lift off I have a 250% rotator but it just spins the plane instead of the props i need a 200% or a 180% incase its too fast also please make it spin 360
Hmm...@ProKillaV12 Just look at my posts on my profile.
I dunt see in my notifications ;-;@Propkill117
@Propkill117 how do you tag people in descriptions, is it as simple as just putting @ and the persons name?
@ProKillaV12 I tagged you in the description.
Ok I tagged u in the description
OK so I tried to upload it. It says I didn't, but as you can see, my internet is working.
@ProKillaV12 360 or infinite?
Make one thats 165% and make it spin 360 degrees@Propkill117
LOL lots of questions
I can do it. Has someone already done it? If not what shall I call the post? Public or Unlisted? Which do you prefer, 180% Or 200%?
I can xml modding
normally it takes more to make me not do this but I just cant @ProKillaV12
no I don't have access to my tablet right now so I cant play @ProKillaV12
R u for real bro..just because of dat
would help but cant for multiple reasons