1. The island city is in Philippines
2. Philippines is of an Hispano-American influence, and
3. That marking is the Philippine flag without the stars and sun. You see, I'm an Android peasant. 150 part rule.
Fact: the Czech rep is, in fact similar to the Philippine flag.
Hey, unrelated question: you say you were born in and island city, and the name sounds Pacific, but why do you often use a Czech roundel/marking on your stuff?
@Alienbeef0421 By criticize, I meant "mistake". Remind me not to accidentally assume the nationality.
@FightingFalcon nah its okay... I'm as racist as anyone here
@Alienbeef0421 Well remind me to not criticize Philipino markings.
1. The island city is in Philippines
2. Philippines is of an Hispano-American influence, and
3. That marking is the Philippine flag without the stars and sun. You see, I'm an Android peasant. 150 part rule.
Fact: the Czech rep is, in fact similar to the Philippine flag.
Hey, unrelated question: you say you were born in and island city, and the name sounds Pacific, but why do you often use a Czech roundel/marking on your stuff?
@SuperKoji Alien invasion
Why on earth is AYY LMAO taking over lol
This has gone too far.
@ErvenDynamics @Tully2001
@SuperKoji im an alien m8
lol doge is better ;-)
@destroyerP go ahead!
We are the earth representatives of the ayy lmaos
@Swiftsure @Tully2001 I want to use the same gravatar but...
Yuss @Tully2001 we have another ayy lmao