What i really wish simple planes had were decorations like a dragons mouth and all that stuff USAF insignia, Kill marks, Numbers, flags, ETC.
What i really wish simple planes had were decorations like a dragons mouth and all that stuff USAF insignia, Kill marks, Numbers, flags, ETC.
@DuckingAreospace that's actually called shark face link to completely unorthodox video link ----------->https://m.youtube.com/?reload=7&rdm=2cnzq53ja#/watch?v=fmuc6ufotlw
we still need those dragon faces they paint on UH-1 Hueys and Cobras.
well, yeah, but it gets pretty annoying when mirroring aircraft
@XxcreedexX @DuckingAreospace here are some USAF insignias
well, i wished there were.