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Radar reflective material

78 abrahadabra666  8.1 years ago

Is there a way to mod stock parts to reenact RRM. That would be the ideal mod for attacking the snow base.

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    @Marcelldavis whats more is they should combine both this game and simple rockets so theres so much more ground to cover and were not limited to a couple of islands. Just think, a player putting a satellite in space with a nuke attached and once the satellite is in orbit, said player can launch the nuke and control it all the way to its destination, from space!

    8.1 years ago
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    2,342 Marcelldavis

    @abrahadabra666 That sounds like a great idea! Multiplayer would just be awesome!

    8.1 years ago
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    @Marcelldavis that's vary helpful, I didn't know that. However, having true stealth capabilities would add a new element to the game and make it that much better. Imagine the burst of new creations that would be put forth, not only aircraft but maps as well. Visualize a F-117 Nighthawk bombing Bagdad just as it did in the night operations during Desert Storm. I hope the devs make a unmodded multi-player mode so maps can be used cross platform while people can get together and reenact historical events like D-day, and the Pacific war with Japan, I could go on and on.

    8.1 years ago
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    2,342 Marcelldavis

    You don't even need mods! If you manage to fly inside and set a location inside, you won't get attacked when you fly outside! But the disadvantage is that you have to spawn inside the base to not get attacked.

    8.1 years ago
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    One way to avoid the missiles is by using a parasite aircraft. The missiles won't fire if the physics drastically change. Probably so the missiles don't shoot the cockpit after the aircraft has been destroyed.

    8.1 years ago
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    @Delphinus how would one go about doing that, when it comes to modding I have limited knowledge and patience lol

    8.1 years ago