@ThatOnion actually that sound like my average first 100 tests per plane I build aka most of my planes never make it off the run way and the pilot never hits the ground aka he gets stuck in orbit
@Smasher yeah, builds start shaking violently no matter what, spontanious combustion, loss of control. It's not pretty... insert Nam flashback and long warstory
@ThatOnion my best plane is my hybrid prototype
@ThatOnion I had about 80 planes that would do nothing but loops at mach 2
@Smasher more like 80% thou most get can fly after a couple 10s of tests... And i have quite a few that never flew and prolly never will...
@ThatOnion yeah really 99.9999.9% of your air craft didn't make it of the run way ?l!!!!?????
@Smasher i know the feels
@Smasher lol
@ThatOnion actually that sound like my average first 100 tests per plane I build aka most of my planes never make it off the run way and the pilot never hits the ground aka he gets stuck in orbit
@Smasher yeah, builds start shaking violently no matter what, spontanious combustion, loss of control. It's not pretty... insert Nam flashback and long warstory
@ThatOnion lol
@ThatOnion ??? Thermo nuclear ??? That sounds like Japan
So hypersonic is where the game's physics start to go thermo-nuclear.
@MechWARRIOR57 supersonis is above 636mph, hypersonic is 9,896mph.
I have one that can get speeds of 900+ mph so yes it's possible
@MechWARRIOR57 well tanks for letting me know
supersonic is slower I'm pretty sure @Smasher
@MechWARRIOR57 I can't build a fast aircraft and I'm not sure which is slower super sonic or hyper sonic I'm not a aircraft engineer
@Temmie because most XML mods break my game
@jfriss very much the same I think
if you don't want xml then make it yourself take your time, after all its only 3805 mph
@Smasher well, super sonic yes, but hyper sonic, idk, unless they are the same
@jfriss @GenrichTitov I can't and I'm asking if some one can make a hyper sonic jet with no XML modding
@GenrichTitov @jfriss NO XML MODDING
@GenrichTitov GenrichTitov for president!