I'm back! I have now been off for around 6 months. I was banned for reasons that I will not mention here(it wasn't that I was a bad person or anything). It's really great to be back here. Any major changes happened? I have already spotted some new things. I may be uploading a plane somewhat soon. My device is really slow and it's more worn out now than before, not to mention that I haven't used the airplane editor in some time. Could someone please also tell me how you put links into words. I forgot. I will also have to re-upload all my planes due to the ban.
Which faction won General360's alternate WWII roleplay a while back(if anyone even remembers it)?
I'm back!
3,253 ValtsuAircraftIndustries
8.1 years ago
@anssi kiitos :) jos haluat rakentaa paremmin kannattaa ladata fine turner modi
@TAplanes kiitos musta vähän tuntuu että sä teet sen paremmin kuin mä
@anssi voishan sitä yrittää
@TAplanes ja muuten yritä tehä U-2
@TAplanes hyvä
@anssi ei se mua haitaa :)
@EliteIndustries1 Good luck on getting to silver!
@TAplanes siitä kopio jutusta
@anssi mistä?
@TAplanes olen pahoillani siitä jutusst...
@Avro683Lancaster Thanks
[ words go here ] ( link goes here) (no spaces in between brackets)
So, if I did [ forum post ] ( https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/557837/Im-back )
Then I get forum post
Tervetuloa takaisin!
@mustafanaveed How did I do the putting-a-link-into-a-word thing? I'm just asking you, since nobody else is commenting about it.
Also welcome back!
Now gold and plat users also get featured
@KDS Thanks. Have any other major people left? Just curious.
Nobody remebers that but welcome back buddy! It's been some time! Plus General360 left, i've restarted, and some other stuff.