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fine tuner and xml clear explaination ultimate guide

1,878 Mrloominati  8.2 years ago

So when I began using fine tuner I had no idea what the hell to do. However I searched relentlessly on Google YouTube and the forums. I also picked up that a lot of people were talking about XML and etcetera. I also thought I might learn it. Again though I had no idea so I bounced back onto the internet for answers. The problem in both cases is that there wasn't a thorough explanation anywhere. And so I've come to this point were I've accidentally spend hours ruining planes, experimenting and accidentally discovering how do many things, typically after posting questions allover the forums. However, I've now mastered the dark art of XML and finentuner and the in's and outs of these tools, not only the basics which are typically the only thing put in the description. "Hi guys this is my explanation kn XML, yeah use a thingie app and type stuff in. Fine tuner is cool it has things, u can do, move things and move parts" problem is with these is that the reader is completely baffled and lost looking for answers and trapses back onto simple planes dissapointed and having to spend hours or days finding a solution. Well no more. I decided to write this as a guide for users like me who would love to take their designs to the next level using mods and XML. (BTW rip iOS users) android and windows only as u probably already know from researching in the forums. Anyway let's get on with it.

Fine tuner in's and out's.

So fine tuner is a MOD available for use in the game to modify your designs for more accuracy and detail. So there are a couple tools within the MOD. The first is the rotation tool.

Rotation tool.

The rotation tool is used for spinning a piece or multi selected part, which I'll discuss later in this post. They are labeled 'x' 'y' and 'z' they will also have a slider next to them which you can use to spin them manually. If you want to do it more accurately. Use the space next to it with numbers inside which will change when you use this tool. You can change these values yourself by typing them with whatever you want like; 180 or 71.645, so the possibilities of rotation are limitless, from 0 - 360. The next tool along the bar is the nudge tool.

The nudge tool

The 'nudge' tool, which can be used for pushing a piece in smaller increments than the stock way. So to use it. Simply tap the piece you want to move and use the 'x' for sideways movement, the 'y' for up and down movement, and finally the 'z' for forwards and backwards movement. At the bottom of these letters and sliders, there will be a slot that says 'nudge increment' and a number next to it which should usually be 0.01 however by tapping on it you can change it. And so when you use the 'x' 'y' and 'z' it will push the piece you have selected in whatever direction you desire by the amount entered at the 'nudge increment' slot. Now as you will have noticed, there are also 2 more buttons at the bottom one saying 'multi select' and the other 'scale'. We will begin with the multi select tool.

Multi select tool.

So the multi select tool is used for positioning (like before) a piece, except you can select more than 1 piece to be moved at once. To use this you will need to tap multi select. Then with the arrow cursor , tap a piece and there should be a white button at the top which says 'add part to mutiselect' tap this and your part should be opaque (see through whiteish) kinda like a x-ray. Now just repeat with other parts until you have all the desired parts in the x-ray colour (opaque) next, in order to move the whole group of parts you will want to tap the button on the side where u press multi select, which will now say multi edit after you selected 1 part or more. So press multi edit and at the top of the screen it will say, 'has started multi edit' now you just use it as if you were moving 1 part, again with the 'x' 'y' and 'z' buttons in the middle of the fine tuner bar on the left. Now once you have moved the 'assembelly' as such, your gonna wanna tap 'finish multi edit' and there you go. Your 'more than 1 part piece' is now in your desired position. P.S you need to make sure the whole assembly is attached to any part that is attached to the cockpit. Sorry if that was a bit of a mouthful. Now moving on to the last tool of fine tuner; the 'scale' tool.

Scale tool.

The scale tool is located at the very bottom of the fine tuner side bar. To use it tap 'scale' then tap the piece you want scaled. (You can pan the camera around while inside this feature) so say you want a piece longer than '5', you'll need to tap whatever measurement like 'length' 'height' or 'width', for example; the part is '5' in length but you want it '7' in length. To do this you have to have the part selected in the yellow, and you will then just tap the number that says ,5.000' which is the length of the part. So to make sure it is 7 type in the value you want but in relevant size because all the other will say 1.000 and if you type in 7 and not 7.000, MANY bad things will happen. So yeah u know. Don't do it. I prefer to use XML for scaling anyway, so I'll teach you this in a minute if you decide to read long and don't post 'tldr' in the comments.......

The one most of you probably came for; XMLLLLLLLLLLLL

XML modding / modifying

So many, many , many users I've seen in comments are baffled by XML. Some people think its hacking, which it kinda is, but still. Lol. Shall we get on with this strange, but awesome tool?.......

So let me explain what the basics of XML is. It's a file of your aircraft located in your file manager. And this is Google's definition. "In computing, Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable" there we go. So now that we know the most useless info, let's move onto actually editing your aircraft with XML. So firstly to access it you will first need, a file manager, which every device that isn't iOS has. You will also need an app that can read XML files. Or 'txt' files. I recommend 'QuickEdit' for Android, and for pc, sorry wouldn't have a clue, I'm an Android man. Soz I'm sure your capabilities of googling will be adequate for finding a free XML editor. And lastly you will need an aircraft design. (Obviously) Anyway moving on to step 3, I think. Now that you have gathered all the required 'stuff' I will now show how do XML'ing. So what your gonna wanna do is go into file manager. Android, data, now scroll until you find the one that says something with jundroo and simpleplanes. Then go into files, and then aircraft designs. Find your aircraft and open it with your quickedit or XML reader . Etc. Now just to make it clear to XML with an aircraft that is already finished and has 100ds of parts , that's difficult because your going to have to find the exact part. Which isn't always easy. Anyhow. In the XML file it should have all the parts listed on the left with many words and numbers which mean many things. Also one last thing. Make sure before you begin the XML edit make sure you save your aircraft and then exit.

Scaling inside the XML file
Once you've got the part you want scaled. Coincidentally find the word 'scale' and next to it there should be your values of the part length height width, but it won't say 'length height and width' so make sure you remember what is what.
Now to just tap the numbers and it will pop up with your normal keypad. Then just change the values to whatever you want (make sure you keep the " " on either side of the numbers. And the comma in the middle of the 2 values) (basically leave it as it was , just change the numbers) ONLY THE NUMBERS. So now just save it. With quickedit it's really easy. There is a button on the top right that looks like a filing folder. Tap that and save it. Don't 'save as'. Because reasons. Now you can hop back into simple planes.
To apply the changes, you will need to press load aircraft, now find the aircraft you have on your screen (because it is the one you are editing) and load it. Now you will see the change in size. HELPFUL TIP; don't change anything on the part now otherwise it will revert back. You can however move it in place using fine tuner positioning tool. The 'x' 'y' and 'z' arrows.

You can change the values of pretty much anything you want. Like car engine power, blade diameter, and changing the rotator rotation angles; for instance when a rotator hinge can only go 90 degrees simply XML it and change it to like 150 or whatever you want . This is helpful for when you are building your own custom landing gear. Or turrets. I will post an aircraft displaying all of the things I just discussed.

Last tool in the box: adding commands.

So there is a useful command for making sure your aircraft doesn't blow up when you add guns in the belly of your aircraft, or when you've made your own custom landing gear with the resizeable wheel and rotator hinges. So in order to do this inside XML, you'll need to find the part you want the landing gear to disappear into or change the landing gear to be indestructible. ( edit. I found when I build my first landing gear that when I retracted it it didn't want to disappear into the fuselage. In order to make sure it does disappear, you need to find the wheel and type in next to 'materials' disableAircraftCollisions="true"> then save it and see the dark magic that has been applied. You can make any part on the aircraft invincible. Basically the part becomes 'non existent' or 'indestructible' to the game so it thinks nothing will get in his way so yeah that is what happened. Another thing I wanna say is for guns is that you can also edit the burst count, rate of fire, the possibilities are endless.

There you go, my ULTIMATE GUIDE

Now I'll leave it to you. If you have any questions plz leave them in the comments and I will do my best to explain. Hope this quite helped you with the confusion of XML and fine tuner.

Have fun, Mr.loominati

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  • Profile image
    3,300 Subnerdica

    Yeah but I like to fine tune things, and if I use .01 it will just jump around.

    5.6 years ago
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    3,752 JumpingJack

    @Subnerdica yes u actually reminded me but just put it to 0.0100 it makes everything easier

    5.6 years ago
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    3,300 Subnerdica

    Isn’t it.0078 something?@JumpingJack

    5.6 years ago
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    3,752 JumpingJack

    @Subnerdica 0.0100

    5.6 years ago
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    3,300 Subnerdica

    What is the default nudge amount I screwed it up.

    5.9 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati

    @drdoom222 BTW are torturing to make flaps stay in a fixed position, if so just apply trim on the wing inside the game, no need for XML VTOL is used for trim by default

    8.2 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati

    @drdoom222 when inside the XML editor, find the part (inbuilt case the wing) and find the command 'input' change that to 'VTOL' and then save it

    8.2 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate

    @Mrloominati nvm, how how do I stiffen wings and make a flap have a VTOL input?

    8.2 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati

    @drdoom222 if your on Android it should be on there by default, so just search it up on your device. It wil probably look like a manilla folder. Something like that.

    8.2 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate

    @Mrloominati cept I dunno how 2 get to da file manager doe

    8.2 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati

    @drdoom222 delete the one in game via the mods section (in game) and press disable. Then go into file manager and delete it. Go onto the updated MOD page and download it and add it to the mods section. Then go on game and enable it. Ta da

    8.2 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate

    How do I update my mods?

    8.2 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati

    @Kerbango yeah that's a good idea too

    8.2 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati

    @ThatOnion thanks

    8.2 years ago
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    When I got the Fine Tuner, I almost immediatly knew what to do. Am I special now?

    8.2 years ago
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    107k Kerbango

    I think maybe if you start a new airplane, create the part you want to create and then go into XML modding, it would be easier to find that individual part then find it on an entire plane. after you mod it you save it into sub-assemblies and then you can reload your original plane and pull the modded part out of sub-assemblies and install it.

    8.2 years ago
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    1,762 ThatOnion

    I'm glad to see a newish user who knows his stuff!

    8.2 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati

    I will be posting my p-61A soon, I also have another upcoming plane which was a variant of the p-61, see if you can find out what it is.....

    8.2 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati

    BTW I'll put this in here because you can see how to save your design and loss it after XML editing. just copy paste it into Google

    8.2 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati

    @MechWARRIOR57 here

    8.2 years ago
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    old grandpa voice back in my day fine tuner didn't have multi select

    8.2 years ago
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    1,878 Mrloominati

    Anybody who read the whole thing. Thanks alot. It means much to me as I took 2 hours to write this. It bugged me that not many people could execute the coolness or sharpness, that edge that their aircraft needed like myself until I learnt it and wanted to share it, properly

    8.2 years ago