I found an alternative mp so iOS users can play together, but the game isn't sp, its storm raiders. It has a multiplayer option, I played on it and controls are basic, and I haven't abandoned SP.
Try it, buy it, $8 app store, contact me in this post if you have/want to play, my call sign in game is 'Swiftsure'.
I am going to bed, see you tomorrow.
link to game
Shout out to IOS users!
2,689 Swiftsure
7.9 years ago
Noice game. I like shooting off those peashooty Zeros
No, I mean that when someone new joins SP, they aren't aware of this fact most likely because A. They didn't read "Learn about Modding" as far as iOS, or something else. It's not a worthless suggestion, it's just not one that will last forever and be forgotten in the cold void of the internet fast. @Swiftsure
@KDS so this is a worthless suggestion on how to make iOS users stop complaining that they can't play with there friends?
We have pointed this out before, new users will always ask and it is kind of pointless to find a permeant way to make them stop. @Swiftsure
@KDS k then
Potato @Swiftsure
@KDS lol waht