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9,650 jfriss  8.2 years ago

Yesterday i got ASTRONEER, a really good looking game on steam. Sadly though, I need to download Windows Visual C++ but after i downloaded it, it said i needed to download it again. But i found a fix, and i have no idea if it works, and then again, it was posted my the developer. Does anyone else have the same problem?

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    8,452 Testin123

    And sp on the pc is corrupted.
    Textures are messed up and I can't takeoff. Everything's frozen.
    Rip sp.

    8.2 years ago
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    8,452 Testin123

    I got, but it doesn't work, it's missing a file of some sort. I wasted my 25 bucks on a game that doesn't work.

    8.2 years ago