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106k SimpleFlow  8.1 years ago

Helloo everyone please enjoy this tutorial on how I build!
This tutorial is made mostly for people whom cant mod with fine tuner or overload. It will make your build have more detail
And make them look better!

Here is an example.

First of all get a part that you are having trouble with and then do this!

Then add a few blocks on the side of your aircraft and then move the cockpit to the side on them. So basically just move the cockpit to the side.

Then mirror the part you want to edit to the side!
And start editing it! And don't forget to remove the part that originally was placed there because or els the part that is floating around will be mirrored back on to the original.

So yeah you can edit it in every ways and you can even add parts on both ends! Which you would not be able to do if it was on the fuselage.

Then just simply mirror the part back to its place and remove the blocks and move the cockpit back to the middle and there you go!

Hopefully this was useful!

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    If you did a vid than it would be better

    9 months ago
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    106k SimpleFlow


    8.0 years ago
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    12.9k Luuk2909

    Exactly what i do, i call it mirror mirror in this game how do my planes always look so plain XD (u get it because u cant really make to many details LEL) @SimpleFlow

    8.0 years ago
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    106k SimpleFlow


    8.1 years ago
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    4,395 Aspire

    @SimpleFlow Thanks!

    8.1 years ago
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    106k SimpleFlow

    Yep click HERE

    8.1 years ago
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    4,395 Aspire

    @SimpleFlow if youre thinking "why the heck am I asking this thing here" well because I want to make my design more detailed and stuff then I realized the wing problem`s still not fixed yet.

    8.1 years ago
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    4,395 Aspire

    @SimpleFlow Is there a way to reduce wing wobbliness or strengthen the wing?

    My wing keeps wobbling and sometimes come off at 2000+ mph.

    8.1 years ago
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    106k SimpleFlow

    Never mind! Its all good

    8.1 years ago
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    106k SimpleFlow

    Can you help me

    8.1 years ago
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    106k SimpleFlow


    8.1 years ago