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Pasting links to anything

1,878 Mrloominati  8.2 years ago

So again I've been baffled by putting links in posts and stuff, until 2 minutes ago. Anyhow, I there are posts out there but I'd like to make one too, because reasons.

How to put a link in comments forum, description etc.

To do this, thy must first write a word in square brackets (kinda like a title for the link) this is what it will say when you submit the comment or whatever. So square brackets look like this [ ] if you didn't already know, which I highly doubt. So write your 'description' as it were in the square brackets, and it doesn't matter if you leave spaces inbetween the words. Example: link that does things

Now that we have the first piece of the 2 piece jigsaw, we need to add the URL, which is that bar at the top with many many letters and numbers, which mean many many things. Alas, this is the method. Pop a normal bracket ) right next to the last square bracket like this: ]( so just make sure there is no space between the square bracket and the normal bracket used for making faces and all of that stuff like Lenny faces.
Now you just paste the URL from the site you want people to visit and them close it off with a normal bracket. )

With this bracket set make sure there isn't spaces inbetween.

And there you go a working link.

It should end up looking like this hello kitty island adventures that is a link. hellokittyislandadventures, if you want to visit that.

A real link will look like this when you are browsing comments and stuff link guide or I'll provide an image for those of you who learn visually

Red: See, title! This is the writing that will be blue when you submit your comment
Yellow: This is the actual link to the page. Again, make sure it's in ( ) these brackets.

There you go. All is good I hope.

feel free to correct me on my grammar as I've chucked this up in 5 mins. Well 10 but who cares.

Hope this helps and I promise my first ACTUALL build will be up within 'Soonish' time.